依類型 依主題   
研究計畫(29) 博碩士論文(195) 期刊論文(26)
高海拔山區原住民對生態旅遊及國土復育政策態度之研究-以梨山地區為例(A Study on The High-Altitude Mountain Area Aborigines’ Attitudes Toward The Development of Ecotourism and National Policy-A Case Study of Lishan Area)
從權益關係人觀點探討原住民社區永續發展的推動機制(Case study on Indigenous community sustainable development from the viewpoint of stakeholder)
原住民觀光獲利與文化保存的互惠–認真觀光者的角色探討(Concerns for Economic Contribution and Culture Conservation in Aboriginal Tourism Development - from the View of Serious Tourists)
原住民部落參與太魯閣國家公園五間屋地區生態旅遊發展之研究(A Study of Indigenous Community’s Participation in Ecotourism Development in the Wujianwu Area of the Taroko National Park)
遊客對原住民社區發展生態旅遊知覺及態度之研究:以達娜伊谷為例(Visitor''''s Perception and Attitude Toward Ecotourism: the case of Savaki Ecology Park)
太魯閣國家公園遊客對原住民特色產品屬性認知及購買意願之研究(Visitors’ Cognition of Product Attributes and Purchasing Intention of Indigenous Souvenirs -- A Case Study on Taroko National Park)
萬榮村原住民社區參與林田山林業文化園區發展之潛力與問題之研究(A Study of Potentials and Problems of Wan-Rung village participation in the Lin-Ten-Shan Forestry Cultural Park)
原住民族參與國家公園生態旅遊發展過程中雙邊互動關係 - 同禮部落vs太魯閣國家公園(The Interaction of Native People Participating in the Eco-tourism Development in National Park - Case Study of Datung & Dali Tribes VS Taroko National Park)
原住民觀光體驗與價值之探索(Exploring Aboriginal Touirsts'' Travel Experiences and Values)
原住民部落文化觀光發展之再現與衝突-以霧台部落為例(Representation and Conflict of Cultural Tourism Development in Aboriginal Tribes-An Example of Budai Tribe in Pingtung County, Taiwan)
烏來鄉原住民對觀光衝擊與政府發展策略認知之研究(Perceptions of Wulai aborigines in tourism impact and government tourism development strategies)
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