依類型 族群 主題   
2003.06.01 ~ 2005.06.02
高海拔山區原住民對生態旅遊及國土復育政策態度之研究-以梨山地區為例(A Study on The High-Altitude Mountain Area Aborigines’ Attitudes Toward The Development of Ecotourism and National Policy-A Case Study of Lishan Area)
族群: 泰雅族   
主題: 法律政治、部落發展、學術研究、觀光旅遊  
作者 翁晏琪(Yen-chi Weng )
學校系所 靜宜大學觀光事業學系研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]







[ 英文摘要 ]

As the result of the natural disaster in Taiwan, the government is planning The National Policy actively for national rest and sustainable development.

In it’s operative strategy, it proposes promoting Eco-tourism in The High-Altitude Mountain Area. Many resident’s life will be affected if The National Policy is adopted. Therefore, resident’s attitude is very important to animate the policy.

The research wants to know resident’s attitude about Eco-tourism and The National Policy. The object of study is the residents who live in The High-Altitude Mountain Area in Lishan. The research adopts questionnaire to survey the resident who lives in Lishan.

The effective questionnaire total are 220, the attitude about Eco-tourism is positive support, and the attitude about The National Policy show lower identification and high action. Both of them show correspondingly.

The research suggestion:

1.The Government: Account of lawmaking authority concretely, Assess of stipulation scrupulosity, further actions about Eco-tourism continuous, interact with association in Lishan, plan culture resource development cagily.

2.The Resident: attend the communal actions forwardly, aggrandize the function of association, plan transformate actively, increase the opportunity of female’s attendance .