研究計畫(26) 博碩士論文(70) 期刊論文(12)
十週社區型負重式健走運動介入對太魯閣族第2型糖尿病患健康之影響(Ten weeks community-based weight-bearing walking program intervention for the health effects of Truku people with type 2 diabetes)
原住民社區修復式正義實施機制之研究—以花蓮縣秀林鄉『太魯閣族』為例(The research on the practices of the restorative justice in aboriginal communities-an empirical study in Truku Race of Sioulin Township in Hualian County.)
太魯閣同禮部落生態旅遊活動之規劃與實施過程研究(A Research on Planning and Implementation of the Ecotourism Programs in the Tatung and Tali Areas of the Taroko National Park)
太魯閣族民族植物之研究以花蓮縣秀林鄉大同部落為例(A Study on the plant utilization of Taroko tribe in The Sakdang Area of the Taroko National Park.)
太魯閣族青壯年勞工之教育經驗(Educational experience of Truku young adult workers)
太魯閣族小學文化課程發展之教育民族誌(An ethnography of cultural curriculum development in a Truku primary school)
原住民部落參與太魯閣國家公園五間屋地區生態旅遊發展之研究(A Study of Indigenous Community’s Participation in Ecotourism Development in the Wujianwu Area of the Taroko National Park)
太魯閣國家公園遊客對原住民特色產品屬性認知及購買意願之研究(Visitors’ Cognition of Product Attributes and Purchasing Intention of Indigenous Souvenirs -- A Case Study on Taroko National Park)
在花蓮不同族群中cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) 主要基因型分佈(Distribution of the major cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) genotypes in different ethnic groups in Hualien)
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