依類型 族群 主題   
2004.06.01 ~ 2006.06.01
太魯閣族小學文化課程發展之教育民族誌(An ethnography of cultural curriculum development in a Truku primary school)
族群: 太魯閣族   
主題: 族群教育、學術研究  
作者 余美慧(Mei-hui, Yu )
學校系所 國立花蓮教育大學多元文化研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]



在運作課程方面,文化認同是文化課程重要議題。不同族群的教師會激盪出詮釋文化課程不同的方法,也讓學生的學習面向更多元。然而,教師在過多的活動和比賽的工作壓力下,對課程的準備會顯得心有餘而力 不足。



[ 英文摘要 ]

This study aimed at exploring the cultural curriculum development of a Truku primary school. The purposes of the study were to investigate the implementation of the cultural curriculum and how the cultural curriculum was interpreted and conceived by teachers and students. A class of 11 students, eight teachers and three principals were invited as the participants. This study applied ethnography which using participant observation, in-depth interview and document analysis to collect data. The following findings emerged from this study:

In the cultural curriculum development, this study found that teachers of Ma-ao primary school were authorized to select the curriculum content and the cultural curriculum was constantly modified during curriculum implementation. In the additive curriculum period, teachers put much emphasis on cooperation, but make students wait and resulted in a redundant curriculum and constricted class schedule. In the integrated curriculum period, an unreal cultural-integrated curriculum was found because the formal curriculum was allotted to cultural curriculum

In the curriculum implementation, culture recognition was a main topic and teachers’ overloaded work pressure led to an oblivious course preparation. Teachers of different ethnic backgrounds developed with varied ways of instructing and interpreting the cultural curriculum and provide schoolchildren with multicultural learning.

In the experienced curriculum, cultural curriculum elevated students’ learning motivation, but need to evaluate whether their academic achievement was declined or not. Although accomplishment via the repetitive practices promoted students learning interests, without further advanced curriculum, students falsely though they acquire all the knowledge and easily ceased the learning. Finally, school culture was disconnected from students’ life experience and resulted in cognitive struggles.

According to the findings, this study offers the following suggestions: The cultural curriculum development should base on the context of school cultural analyzed through situation model. Furthermore, the students should develop cross cultural ability. And the teachers should develop the understanding of the target culture and the ability of curriculum design.