依類型 族群 主題   
2004.06.01 ~ 2006.06.01
太魯閣族民族植物之研究以花蓮縣秀林鄉大同部落為例(A Study on the plant utilization of Taroko tribe in The Sakdang Area of the Taroko National Park.)
族群: 太魯閣族   
主題: 傳統生態智慧、學術研究  
作者 林明勳(Ming-Hsun Lin )
學校系所 國立花蓮教育大學生態與環境教育研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]



下列植物可做為發展部落特色的植物,如展現部落飲食特色的山蘇花、過溝菜蕨、臺灣土黨參、綠豆、山胡椒、昭和草、苦苣菜、食茱萸、龍葵、糯米團、芋、大薯、野薤、小米、包籜矢竹…等;作為傳統屋舍建材的臺灣桫欏、筆筒樹、桂竹、麻竹、孟宗竹…等。竹類是部落建立、災害防治、建構房舍、製作用具及提供食物等多用途的特色植物,應是發展部落特色的主要資源。此外,當地所種植的包籜矢竹(Pesudosasa usawai.)所產的箭竹筍,產期與口感都與平地產的箭筍(Sinobambusa kunishii.)有所差別,是當地居民重要的經濟作物。

[ 英文摘要 ]

This ethnobotany study of Da-Tung village in Taroko tribe were carried from October 2005 to September 2006, 226 species belonging to 182 geners and 84 families were recorded, including 15 species of Pteridophytes, 5 species of Gymnosperms, and 206 species of Angiospermaes .There are 98 species first recorded in this study: 9 species of Pteridophytes, 4 species of Gymnosperms, and 85 species of Angiosperms. In the life form, arbors and herbs are predominant, the proportion of native species is higher than cultivated species. The use of these plants can be classified into15 categories, including food(105), hunting(49), living utensil(41), farming(39), construction material(37), medicine(33), fuel(30), weaving material(12), place name(9), exchange(7), toy(6), ceremony(5), musical(5), hobby(5), and others(3).In the process of interview, the author found that male residents were more familiar with plants for hunting and construction material otherwise the female were familiar with food.

In the use-categories, the proportion of single-use plants are 60.6%, over two single-use plants are 39.4%.Phyllostachys makinoi(makino bamboo)has plenty of use-categories(8). In the use-item, the proportion of single-use item plants is 58%, over two single-use item plants is 42%. There are 18 use-item in Phyllostachys makinoi, other kinds of bamboo, such as, Phyllostachys pubescens(moso bamboo) and Arundinaria usawai(usawa bamboo) , also have more use-categories.

Some plants are Da-Tung village traditional wild foods and construction material plants, which have development value, such as, Asplenium antiquum, Anisogonium esculentum, Alsophila spinulosa, Sphaeropteris lepifera, Campanumoea lancifolia, Vigna radiate, Litsea cubeba, Erechtites hieracifolia, Sonchus arvensis, Zanthoxylum ailanthoides, Solanum nigrum, Gonostegia hirta, Colocasia escutenta, Dioscorea alata, Allium thunbergii, Dendrocalamus latiflorus(ma bamboo), Phyllostachys makinoi, Phyllostachys pubescens, Setaria italica, Arundinaria usawai etc.

For Da-Tung village bamboos are most characteristic plants, which can be used for village establishment, disaster prevention, house building, tool making and food providing. They would be the main resource for village development. Besides, the harvested season and the taste of the bamboo shoot of Pseudosasa usawai are different from similar species (Sinobambusa kunishii.) of low altitude nearby area, so it becomes an important economic plants for local.