研究計畫(20) 博碩士論文(150) 期刊論文(28)
土地使用歷史變遷之探討-以南投縣信義鄉雙龍村布農部落為例(A Historical Study of Changes in Land Use Based on an Example from the Bunun Tribe in Nantou County)
國小布農族語教師教學歷程之個案研究─以郡社國小古老師為例(The Case Study of the Teaching Proces of Bunun Language Teacher at Isi-bubukun Elementary School in Taitung)
論田哲益《原住民神話大系-布農族神話與傳說》(About Tien Che-yi “Collection of the Aboriginal Myth—The Myths and Legends of Bunun Tribe”)
南投縣布農族卓社群民族植物之研究-以卡度部落為例(Study on the Ethnobotany of Take-Tudu Bunun Tribe in Nantou Conuty)
台灣原住民之民族史觀:以布農族內本鹿為例(Ethnohistorical Perspectives of the Bunun: A Case Study of Laipunuk, Taiwan)
當代台灣布農族童謠的文化傳承問題研究(The Research of Contemperary Taiwan Burnun Children’s Ballads’Questions of Culture Legacy)
布農族的小米文化生態學研究—以南投縣望鄉部落為例(The Research of Cultural Ecology of Millet of Bunon)
台東縣國小高年級漢、原學童數字感差異之研究(A Study of the Performance of Number Sense and its Differences between the Hans and the Aborigines’ Students)
台南科學工業園區三抱竹遺址烏山頭期社會之重建-一個社會考古學的實踐(The Reconstruction of the Wu-san-tou Stage Society in the San-pau-chu Site of Tainan Science-based Industrial Park: a Social Archaeological practice)
《巴西布布》互動裝置藝術之探討與創作(《Pasi but but》The Creation and Research of Interactive Installation Art)
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