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研究計畫(97) 博碩士論文(267) 期刊論文(35)
原住民地區學童肝炎狀態調查:B型肝炎疫苗接種在台灣實施二十年後(Hepatitis status among schoolchildren in aboriginal area after twenty years of universal hepatitis B vaccination program in Taiwan)
屏東縣原住民與非原住民大學生性觀念、性態度與親密關係之相關性研究(A Study on the Relationships between Sex idea、Sex Attitude and Intimate Relationships among Indigenous and non-indigenous College Students in the Pingtung Area)
非政府組織人員在原住民部落從事社區健康工作的策略與問題(The Community Organizing Strategies and Practical Dilemmas in Aboriginal Community Health Work: Non-governmental Organization Workers'''' Perspective)
十週社區型負重式健走運動介入對太魯閣族第2型糖尿病患健康之影響(Ten weeks community-based weight-bearing walking program intervention for the health effects of Truku people with type 2 diabetes)
在台灣南部某原住民族群GHSR基因多型性與代謝相關數量性狀之關係(The association of GHSR gene polymorphisms with metabolism-related quantitative traits in an aboriginal tribe in southern Taiwan)
台灣原住民疾病認知與治療行為之研究-以桃園縣復興鄉泰雅族為例(Disease Cognition and Heal Behavior for Aborigines in Taiwan : In the Case of Atayal Tribe in Fushing Township of Taoyuan County)
原住民勞工職業傷害特性之探討(Study on The Characteristics of Occupational Injuries in Aborigines)
台灣東部原住民GBV-C/HGV的盛行率及基因型分析(The prevalance and phylogenetic analysis of GBV-C/HGV in eastern Taiwanese indigenes)
纖鍊病毒於東台灣原住民族群之分子流行病學與親源關係分析(Molecular epidemiology and phylogenetic analysis of TT virus (TTV) in eastern Taiwanese indigenes)
社會資本與身心健康關係之研究─以南台灣原住民為例(A Study of the Relationship between Social Capital and Physical and Mental Health of Aboringines in Southern Taiwan)
高屏地區原住民用藥行為之調查研究(The Study of medicine taking behavior among aborigines in Kaoshiung and Pingtung Counties)
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