依族群 主題   
Creative Spirits - Australia: Aboriginal culture, resources, travel創新精神-澳洲原住民文化、資源和旅遊
製作單位:Jens Korff
族群: 澳洲原住民  
主題: 文化慣習  
地點: 其他 其他    

這是個私人的網站由柯爾夫(Korff)先生在2000年建立。網站內容由網主自己收集包括:澳洲原住民文化,西澳大利亞和新南威爾斯旅遊照,詩文和故事輯。澳洲原住民文化分類成:藝術、經濟、教育、健康、歷史、土地、語言、法律、原住民民族、政治、傳媒、原住民民族自決、靈性和運動;澳洲原住民資源網包括書籍、音樂、電視、電影、數位電影等等;旅遊照片畫廊(包括:新南威爾斯、西澳大利亞),有風景、有特寫、有人物和動物照。 至於詩文集被分成五個主題:信仰、希望、愛情、淚水和故事,都由網主主筆,有些是德文作品,有些是英文作品。讀者也可以上網經由創新精神原住民書店買原住民的資源,這網站有亞瑪遜網站的背書。

It is a private web site that created by Mr. Jens-Uwe Korff in 2000. On Creative Spirits you can browse and explore Australian Aboriginal culture, travels through Western Australia and New South Wales, view photo galleries or read poems that all prepared by the web site owner. Australian Aboriginal culture can be classified into Arts, Economy, Education, Health, History, Land, Language, Law & Justice, People, Politics & media, Self-determination, Spirituality and Sport. Aboriginal Resources includes: Books, Movies, Music, TV & Radio, Newspapers and Newsletters. Photo Galleries includes: landscapes, close-ups, people and animal photos. Lyrics were written by the owner which separated in five subjects: Faith, Hope, Love, Tears and Stories, some of them in German and others in English. Reader can also shop on line for available Indigenous resources thru the Creative Spirits Aboriginal Book store which was powered by trusted seller Amazon.

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