依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 泰雅族   
主題: 族群語言、學術研究  
作者 黃美金;劉宇陽;吳新生
期刊名 臺灣原住民族研究季刊7卷2期頁73-118
ISSN 2070-9730
地點 全臺 全部  

有感於諸多台灣原住民族語瀕臨消失之困境,政府近幾年來積極致力於原住民族語復振、族語教學及族語研究等相關工作,而族語復振之首要工作不外乎原住民族語言文字化。2005 年12 月15 日行政院原住民族委員會與教育部會銜公告「原住民族語言書寫系統」,以為族語文字化奠基;更進一步,原民會為使族語復振能更順利推展、族語教學能口說與書寫同步發展、族語教材內容能更臻完善,尤積極推動各族語詞典之編纂工作。本文將以泰雅語詞典為例,探討如何編輯適用於台灣原住民族人之族語詞典及有效編輯之工作模式。本文首先檢視四本泰雅語詞典,包括丹麥語言學者易家樂之《泰雅語--英語詞典》(1980/1999)、泰雅族陳麗惠等人之《圖解泰雅語辭典》(2008)、泰雅族江明清等人之《宜蘭澤敖利泰雅族語言圖解式小辭典》(2009)、及黃美金等人之《泰雅語詞典》(2011)等所呈現之編輯特色,包括詞典適用對象、翻譯語言之選擇、詞典安排方式、詞項及例句之編排、語言結構說明、迴指說明、輔助圖片、索引類別等面向。接著,本文將介紹一族語詞典編輯可能之線上工作模式,包括線上工作平台及其所使用系統之各種功能,希望提供給更多有志編纂族語詞典之原住民族人及學者專家作參考,進而協助提昇原住民族語學習、復振及學術研究工作之成效。

Many of Taiwan indigenous languages have been facing extinction. In the past 18 years or so, the government has utilized different strategies in order to preserve and promote these endangered languages, including language revitalization, language teaching and language research; language standardization is considered to be the primary task. In December 2005, the Ministry of Education and the Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan proclaimed the writing systems of these languages. Following this, about 16 indigenous language dictionaries have been compiled. This paper will use an instance of Atayal dictionary compilation to demonstrate an efficient working pattern of compiling dictionaries. Four Atayal dictionaries will be examined first, including the Atayal-English Dictionary (1980/1999), the Nantou County Tayan Illustrated Dictionary (2008), the Ilan C''uli Illustrated Dictionary (2009), and the Atayal-Chinese Dictionary (2011). Certain features of these dictionaries will be commented. Furthermore, the on-line design of our compiled dictionary will be presented, introducing an e-platform and various functions of the systems utilized. It is hoped that more indigenous people and scholars will be encouraged to take part in dictionary compilation.