依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 外來宗教、傳統信仰、學術研究  
作者 田綠蘋
期刊名 臺灣原住民族研究季刊7卷4期頁31-61
ISSN 2070-9730
地點 台東縣 全部    


This research aims to study the renewal process of the liturgy adopted by the Puyuma Church and how it orients the Christian identity of the Puyuma Tribe in order to establish their harmony with God. Issues related to this goal are as follows: (1) How does the Puyuma hymnbook satisfy the congregational needs today? (2) What sort of worship meets the consensus of the Puyuma Church? (3) How can we grasp the principles proper to the indigenized liturgy which is also identified by the Puyuma Christians? (4) After being secularized, how can a Holy Spirit Worship maintain its sublime piety, rather than falling into the emptiness of liturgical formality? In this research, the author conducted three surveys respectively, including: Surveys on The Current Situation of Hymns in Pinuyumayan District; Surveys on the Running Process of Puyuma Church's Sunday Worship; and Surveys of Satisfaction on the Updating Project. Based on the results of Surveys and numerous interviews, the study concludes: (1) A variety of multi-dimensional hymns can meet the followers' needs. Take ?JM. Praising Band? as an example. They offer not only modern and popular hymns, but also ancient Puyuma ballads-a way which animates the worship ceremony. As such, the church has successfully bridged the past with the present. This also encourages remembering the Puyuma culture as well. (2) The great majority of the followers agree on the plural style of liturgy, only if the progress towards it should be gradual. (3) According to the principle of dual recognition, events and festivals in both church calendar and local culture, such as Mother's Day, graduation blessing and Warrior Praising, have gained entry to annual celebrations. By so doing, indigenous features can be incorporated and promoted. (4) To avoid the pitfall of liturgical formality only, this project proposes that it proceeds from the worshiper's spiritual growth by sharing personal experiences through testimony and confessions with each other to achieve the whole being. In the end, several suggestions are put forward for follow-up studies in the future.