依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 民族誌、學術研究  
作者 阮俊達;尤儷.芨娃思;黃傑;李品涵
期刊名 臺灣人權學刊2卷3期頁143-157
ISSN 2224-6622
地點 全臺 全部  

本文以當代台灣「原住民」的族群認同為線索,回顧台灣原住民族運動的歷史與近年抗爭趨勢,並從四位作者自身經驗出發,探討新一代青年行動者的認同形成及社會運動參與歷程。初步的觀察指出,大學校園,特別是學生社團為青年們帶來多樣的知識與人際網絡,進而能夠學習如何成為運動者,以及主張原住民族權利。在此基礎上,青年們積極投入2013 年兩公約國際審查及此後一系列原運抗爭,也開始思考如何透過組織化的參與來突破運動困境。

This article looks at Taiwan's Taiwan yuan-zhu-min ethnic identity, and the reviews the history in Taiwan indigenous movement noting a recent trend towards holding protests. the experiences of four authors show the structure process in the new
generation, forming their self-identity and the transition towards participation in social movements. According to the initial observation, universities, especially student associations, provide young people with knowledge and an interpersonal network. This enables them to learn to be an activist and to advocate indigenous rights. Students actively participated ICCPR/ICESCR review in 2013 and in a series of indigenous protests. Therefore, students have started to consider their organized participation as a way to overcome the difficulties faced by many movements.