依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 學術研究  
作者 何華欽;趙善如;張麗珠;柯旻伶;麥漢倫
期刊名 靜宜人文社會學報8卷2期頁101-139
ISSN 2223-7461
地點 全臺 全部  

本文主要目的是在建構災後居住在中繼屋居民生活適應之模型,探討中繼屋居民的復原力對其生活適應之影響,以及進一步從資源保存理論,比較因災造成家庭成員工作收入流失與沒有造成工作收入流失中繼屋居民生活適應模型之差異。本研究透過結構式問卷調查,共獲得有效研究樣本159 人,並運用結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)進行模型建構。研究結果發現,研究樣本的復原力正向顯著的影響生活適應(標準化係數為0.86)。另外,因災造成家庭成員工作收入流失與沒有造成工作收入居民其生活適應模型之間是存在著一些差異,像是因災造成工作收入流失者復原力對生活適應的正向顯著影響程度,是低於工作收入沒有流失(標準化係數為0.81<0.89);工作收入有流失者復原力中個人特質─樂觀、個人特質─挫折忍受力之程度是低於沒有工作收入流失者,但家庭支持是高於沒有工作收入流失者。因災造成工作收入流失者生活適應中心理和諧表現程度是低於沒有工作收入流失者,但所表現出社會和諧程度是高於沒有工作收入流失者。

The purpose of this study is to construct the model of the life adaption of the citizens in the temporary housing after disasters to investigate the influence of their resilience toward their life adaption. What is more, from the viewpoint of the conservation of resources theory the difference between the life adaption model of the temporary-housing citizens whose family members lose job income and that of the temporary-housing citizens whose family members do not lose job income is compared. The structural questionnaire is applied in this study and 159 valid study samples are obtained. Besides, the structural equation modeling (SEM) is applied in the model construction. The study finds that the resilience of the study samples positively influences their life adaption(standardized coefficients 0.86). What is more, there does exist some difference between the life adaption model of the temporary-housing citizens whose family members lose job income and that of the temporary-housing citizens whose family members do not lose job income because of disasters. For example, the positive influence of the resilience of the former toward the life adaption is less than that of the latter (the standardized coefficients 0.81<0.89). Besides, some personal attributes of the former such as optimism and endurance of frustration are lower than those of the latter, but family support are higher than those of the latter. As for the life adaption, the former have lower psychological harmony than the latter. Nevertheless, the former have higher social harmony than the latter.