依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 文化慣習、學術研究  
作者 李之光;潘宣羽
期刊名 戲劇教育與劇場研究6期頁37-55
ISSN 2222-9795
地點 全臺 全部  


The purpose of the study is to use educational drama strategies for aboriginal children to explore the influence of the traditional wedding culture in educational drama activities. This study applied qualitative research approaches. Grade 1 and 2 children of Pingtung County Happy Care Association were the study participants. The study’s data source comprised video recordings for the entire teaching process and note taking of classroom on-site observation. Then, the video and notational data were analyzed through the content analysis method. Throughout the curriculum process, the researchers continued discussions with co-researchers and experts in collaboration with the triangulation method. As a result, educational drama activities show that the concept of the traditional wedding was integrated into children’s life experiences. Children received an initial impression on the roles in traditional weddings and were familiar with traditional wedding jewelry and Uxorilocal system. The children's family background was also considered. Finally, aboriginal children’s awareness of their traditional culture needs to be enhanced, along with an internalization of ethnic identity by the use of educational drama.