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Ktaadn: An Epiphany in the Wilderness
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 環境生態保育、學術研究、觀光旅遊  
作者 劉煌城;張簡麗淑
期刊名 黃埔學報67期頁9-23
ISSN 1814-7704
地點 全臺 全部  

近年來生態旅遊研究著重以環境保護的觀點來探討旅遊經營與管理對生態環境之衝擊及旅遊區原民生存權的困境與矛盾。人類往往認為大自然是逃離塵世之安全庇護之地,忽略了大自然可能蘊藏的危機。本論文以梭羅(Henry David Thoreau)於「科達藤」(Ktaadn/Katahdin)山的經驗探討荒野的本質與生態旅遊的震撼,並以山區原住民活動對照登山客之身心感受梳扒生態旅遊的面相。生態旅遊論述往往以凸顯自然世界的美與雄偉為主軸鮮少兼論大自然蘊藏之內涵價值(intrinsic value) ,作者以「科達藤」為例進行文本研究以探討兩項互動,一者為旅遊者與大自然的互動與迴響;另一者為旅遊者的文化與原住民文化之衝突與影響。原住民於荒野中飲水、覓食、紮營、方向確認及如何逃離野獸威脅等大自然生存之課題,激發了生態旅遊者敬畏大自然的謙卑態度。近年來美國旅遊業者以融合生態與休閒旅遊為名,倡議開發「科達藤」山區為國家公園,再度引發荒野之內涵價值(intrinsic value) 與工具價值(instrumental value)的爭論。本文認為梭羅早在「緬因森林」(The Maine Woods)一文中就主張「科達藤」規劃為生態保護區,開啟環境正義的呼籲,提供生態旅遊不同之省思。

A number of studies have examined management tools and environmental integrity in ecotourism. However, few studies have emphasized both the beauty and sublimity of the natural world and the educative values of ecotourism. The natural world out there has been modified as a place in which humans might find shelter and security. As a matter of fact, ecotourists will sometimes ignore the risks of conducting an adventure in the wilderness. It is a challenge for mountain climbers to find food and drinking water, nor is it easy to protect themselves from the possible attacks of wild animals in the wilderness. A long adventure also requires people to find a shelter or make a camp. Some people take it for granted that taking an ecological tour will necessarily relax their physical bodies and purifying their earthly spirits. In this study, the writer attempts to assess the educative factors of ecotourism from dual points of view. On the one hand, if people think of going out of their habitat into a natural environment to view migrating birds, seascapes, sunrises and sunsets, walk around a wetland, or hike a trail as ecotourism, this could be a mixture of ecotourism and leisure tourism. On the other, having an adventure in the wilderness can be a dangerous and challenging task, especially if one encounters poisonous creatures, big game, rabies, or a prevailing virus, like H2N2. Studying the text of Thoreau’s “Ktaadn,” the writer attempts to articulate much clearer of the educative values of ecotourism. This is a case study exploring two sets of interactions. One of them is the mutuality between the tourists and nature. The other is the confluence of the tourists’ urban culture and the tour operators’ indigenous culture. The writer contends that once engaged with nature through an eco-tour, any individual may gather inspirational information from the natural world and form an enlightened attitude towards the “beauty, diversity and integrity” pervading natural landscapes. However, tourists should understand that the culture and landscape of the ecotourism destinations are “dynamic” and evolve with natural laws and civilization. Thus, tourists should not expect to encounter primitive authenticity in any eco-tour spot. Recently, some American Travel Bureaus have advocated for the establishment of a national park in the Katahdin area. The conversion of the wilderness into a ‘civilized” recreational resort should bring lots of controversial discourses on the instrumental value and the intrinsic value of the wilderness.