依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 農耕漁獵、文化慣習、族群教育、學術研究  
作者 陳彥君;陳瀅世
期刊名 臺灣原住民族研究季刊7卷3期頁39-81
ISSN 2070-9730
地點 台東縣 全部     花蓮縣 全部    


Lin (2011) indicated that indigenous hunting schools used the forms of environmental education and interpretation to promote environmental conservation, social justice and tribal economics. However, what Lin indicated only highlighted external functions, which may ignore internal changes to tribal people. This study focuses that indigenous people use the form of hunting schools to illustrate their imagination of traditional culture. The culture that tribal people revitalize is still an ongoing event, different from what was recorded in traditional styles of publications. By using participatory observation in the tribes of Lalaolan, ciwidian, Sazasa, the authors categorize hunting schools into two types, ecotourism-oriented and cultural spirit-oriented. This study provides in-depth meanings that hunting schools reflect on as well as the struggles theyencounter.