依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 阿美族   
主題: 歷史、學術研究、身心發展  
作者 邱獻輝
期刊名 臺北市立大學學報45卷2期頁69-91
ISSN 2310-2047
地點 全臺 全部  


"Intimate partner homicides have specific psychological mechanics in each aboriginal
ethnic group. Although this issue has been identified, contemporary literature is lacking
and needs to be compiled. In order to study this issue in detail, I have invited a male
convicted of homicide, who comes from the Amis group -- the largest aboriginal tribe in
Taiwan -- to participate in this study. This study utilizes a narrative research method to
collect and analyze data. The results can be synthesized into four psychological process
themes, namely: a strike for independence under an ignored context, detached life and
catharsis because of minority group, a vicious cycle of intimate partner violence, and
finally, expecting to return to the tribe and have a peaceful mind. From inspecting the
interviewee’s life narrative, it was found that he grew up in a disadvantaged environment
and continually experienced racial discrimination. He struggled to adjust to all of these
challenges. However, as one way of his catharsis, alcohol abuse made his marital conflicts
trend toward a vicious cycle, and ended in the murder of his wife. Additionally, other
important factors should be taken into account, including his wife’s drug abuse, a closed
female friend’s help, and interactions with his original family. To sum up, in order to
comprehensively understand his psychological process and mechanics, it is necessary to
take Amis cultural changes and racial discrimination into consideration."