依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 法律政治、學術研究、法規資訊  
作者 楊宏志
期刊名 台灣原住民族研究學報4卷4期頁97-121
ISSN 2308-3263
地點 花蓮縣 全部    

森林衝突管理不能僅從公部門、私部門、非政府組織或原住民族的角度觀察,必須從透過各方的互動中,探討解決衝突問題的可能。本文以花蓮銅門集運風倒木爭議為例,探討如何建立良善的森林衝突管理機制。基本上,不論是法規上或是行政上,林務局與銅門部落對於倒木處理的認知大相逕庭。為了減緩森林環境的爭議,未來應:1.積極釐清相關法規命令,納入原住民族權利,填補行政缺口; 2.研提開創性的森林計畫,強化行政當責,落實執行成效; 3.增進跨域分工和合作; 4.促進員工瞭解原住民族議題,確認處理潛在衝突熱點; 5.強化公眾參與機制和清楚透明有效的決策過程。

This article seeks to investigate how forestry conflict among the government, the private sector, and the Indigenous Peoples may be managed by looking into the incident of fall tree trunk between the Forest Bureau and the Indigenous Peoples at the Tong-Meng tribe, Hualien in 2013. It is discovered that there exist bipolar perceptions of how legal and administrative measures are applied between the two parties. In order to arrive at benign, we suggest five areas of issues tackled: incorporating Indigenous rights into legal and administrative practices, enhancing creative forestry plan, promoting division of labor, encouraging understanding of Indigenous issues and identifying potential conflicts, and broadening public participation and providing for transparency of decision-making.