依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 賽德克族 、跨族群  
主題: 歷史、學術研究、廣播電視  
作者 邱子修
期刊名 台灣原住民族研究學報4卷4期頁173-188
ISSN 2308-3263
地點 全臺 全部  


This paper is an attempt to compare and analyze the contemporary cinematic representations of various indigenous people’s re/constructions of imaginary subjectivities, selected from the Pacific Rim, in terms of their similarities, differences, and imminent challenges. To explore the way the cultural identities are presented or transformed on screens and if the representations are the indigenous people’s, or re/constructed from a transcultural perspective, the selected texts as examples include: The Whale Rider adapted from a famous New Zealand writer Witi Ihimaera and directed by Niki Caro, Australiaby Stuart Beattie and BazLuhrman, and Seediq Bale, by De-sheng Wei. The issue that whether or not the cultural translation of the indigenous inter-subjectivities as represented or displayed in the public spheres can be acknowledged or materialized in our era of neo-capitalist cultural imperialism via capitals and high techs in the name of globalization will be also discussed. If the gaps between the imaginary and the real are still remarkable and undeniably, then what may be major social problems or what may be feasible solutions?