依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 阿美族   
主題: 神話傳說、學術研究  
作者 彭衍綸
期刊名 臺灣文學學報25期頁101-133
ISSN 1608-1692
地點 花蓮縣 全部    


Bordering the Western Pacific coastal region of Hualien Shoufong Township Shueilian Village Fanshuliao has a canyon comparable Taroko Gorge, In this spread, ?Forest of Braves? legends, a part of the legendary aboriginal Amis, tell how steep canyon from bamboo forest: or from the campaign leader, compete beauty, consolidate sites, a bamboo forest, different attitude. Unique landscape plus exclusive legends are telling Amis spirit. This article aims to discuss different text of ?Forest of Braves? legends, explore the meaning of which bears , as well as elements of the legend of how the formation.