依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 法律政治、歷史  
作者 蕭世暉
期刊名 台灣原住民族研究學報5卷1期頁117-127
ISSN 2308-3263
地點 全臺 全部  

命名是一種權力的展現,地名的命名權,一般國際規範是名從主人( owner decided)原則,因此命名需要有主人的存在。對被殖民的民族而言,這攸關著民族主體性的建構。原住民族正名運動所關注的焦點,除了恢復原住民族傳統的族名、山川地名、海域名稱外,更重要的仍在於民族「主體性的建構」。民主國家轉型正義就是要將國家的殖民功能轉型為解殖功能。空間解殖行動,雖然是政治性的,但是卻不應限制在政治的場域中來進行,在教育、生活文化的場域中,才能更深化到國民的思想當中。

Naming right is a form of power. In general, the owner decided principle is internationally recognized naming principle. For this reason, owners are supposed to stay coexisted because of great concern with indigenous people’s political right. However indigenous movement not only has dedicated to restoring their ethnicity but also recognizing their actual name of ethic, tribal landscapes, and maritime spaces (for hunting) and so on. Importantly, countries coming through transitional justice are bound to transform to decolonized function from colonized situation. Then their actions of space decolonization are not supposed to limited political sphere but also practicing in our educational, living and cultural surrounding all of which can deeply imbues the public’s thinking.