依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 阿美族   
主題: 農耕漁獵、學術研究  
作者 盧建銘
期刊名 臺灣社會研究季刊98期頁259-287
ISSN 1021-9528
地點 桃園市 大溪區    

撒烏瓦知部落(Sa’owac Niyaro’)是受政府迫遷拆除後重建的部落,部落為了一起面對抗爭,開始共同經營採集生活。採集與生態菜園連結阿美族文化的功能、意義和象徵,也衍生出其它的文化展演形式;此一家園生計系統的建構,對當代經濟體系下非原住民部落的農村與地方經濟,有很大的啟示作用。

After being dismantled by the district government some five years ago,the people of Sa’owac Niyaro’ swiftly rebuilt not only their living quarters but also their livelihood. They not only created a new form of collective economy to endure through all the hardship but also managed to strengthen their social relations and tribal solidarity. The collection economy coupled with their ecoenhancinglivelihood practices could be said to have-been the most imaginative development of a concrete solidarity economy. The author tried to comprehend and explain the intricacies therewith involved. It was suggested that such an eco-enhancing livelihood project should be understood as an example, even for the regional economies for other non-aborigines communities. 

研究成果 51310282016.pdf