依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 排灣族   
主題: 歷史、學術研究  
作者 郭伯佾
期刊名 實踐博雅學報22期頁81-99
ISSN 1810-133x
地點 全臺 全部  


Through research into epitaph on ?tomb of 54 vassal Ryukyuans ?, as well as related documents and other evidences, this study deduces the following facts in Botan Tribe Incident: 1. During the time of Bodan Tribe Incident (1871-1874), Ryukyu was a vassal kingdom to both China and Japan, which is known to Japanese government. 2. 54 Ryukyuan shipwrecked castaways were killed by Taiwanese aborigines on the 8th day of the 11th month of Ching Tongzhi 10th year (December 19, 1871). 3. It was the land of Kuskus tribe, not Botan tribe of Paiwan, where the castaways accidentally stumbled. 4. 54 Ryukyuans were killed by Paiwan tribesmen of Botan, Kuskus, 女乃and Bamboo. 5. The motive of Paiwan tribesmen's killing 54 shipwrecked Ryukyuans was mainly to protect their tribe and territory. 6. Japan sent troops to Taiwan, partly because their ?Korea invading advocate? failed, thus they needed another warlord arena. On the other hand, they intended to achieve territory expansion. 7. The tombstone inscription shows that 54 slaughtered Ryukyuans were buried by Teng, Tien Bao. However, it must be a typo that Ino Kanori, the famed scholar, transcribed Teng, Tien Bao wrongly as Liu, Tien Bao. 8. The corpses buried in 54 Ryukyuans' tomb in Pingtong should be headless for some 44 skulls were found in 1874 and later sent back to Ryukyu. They were first buried in Naha and then moved to Naminoue Gokokuji. 9. According to Yamanaka Kikori, the tombstone epitaph of 54 vassal Ryukyuans was written by Fukushima KyuNaru.

研究成果 4341012016.pdf