依類型 族群 主題   
2007.07.01 ~ 2009.06.01
作者 鄭進三
學校系所 國立臺灣體育大學教練研究所
地點 全臺 全部  
研究內容 [中文摘要]

  本研究主要目的在探討不同跳躍訓練方式對短跑選手之反應力量之影響。受試對象為18名田徑選手,平均年齡15.2±0.81年、平均身高160.6±2.52公分、平均體重53.53±7.86公斤。分為A組以水平跳躍訓練方式(9人)和B組以垂直跳躍訓練方式(9人);訓練時間為期六週,每週三次。所得資料以SPSS10.0進行重複量數單因子變異數分析與相依樣本t考驗等統計方法進行分析,顯著水準訂為p<0.05* , p<0.01**。研究結論如下:








  The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different jumping training on reactive strength in young sprinters. Eighteen track and field athletes were recruited in this study ( the average age, height, and weight were 5.2±0.81 years, 160.6±2.52 cm, 53.53 kg). Group A (n=9) training with level jump, otherwise group B (n=9) training with vertical jump. The training period were six weeks, and three times a week. All date were analyzed with one-way repeated measure ANOVA and paired t – test. All significant levels were set at p<0.05 *, and p<0.01 * * respectively.

  The conclusions of the study were summarized as follow: After six weeks of different jumping training on group A and B showed: (1) positive effect on drop jump for group A but group B, positive effect on counter movement jump for group A and B. (2) positive effect on reaction time for group A and B. (3) positive effect on speed for group A and B, positive effect on paragraph 20m speed for group A but group B. (4) Group A drop jump and reaction time were significantly relevant on pre test, but post test not significantly relevant. Group B were significantly relevant on post test, but per test not significantly relevant. (5) Group A counter movement jump and 10m spring time were significantly relevant on pre and post test, Group B were not significantly relevant on pre and post test.

Keywords:Sprint、Jumping Training、Reactive force、Stretching-Shortening Cycle