依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
布農族原住民對於生態社區環境態度之研究-以台東縣延平鄉為例 A Research Of Environmental Attitude Of Ecological Community In Bunon Aborigines-A Casa Study Of Yanping Township Taitung County
族群: 布農族   
主題: 部落發展  
作者 劉建政
學校系所 中國科技大學建築研究所
地點 台東縣 延平鄉    

[ 摘要 ]


台灣原住民族群大多居住於山區,地區偏遠,交通不便,發展緩慢,使原住民社會、經濟、政治、醫療與知識長久以來一直處於台灣社會的弱勢族群且整體發展因地區關係遭受諸多困境 (行政院原住民委員會)。政府推動許多有關於永續社區、健康社區及生態社區的計畫,而對於此類的政策宣導與推動是否能普及至偏遠山區部落?部分地區部落以漸漸的推動政府提倡的多項計畫,在居民或社區組織推動的過程中此類計畫在山區部落的地區可能遇到哪些瓶頸?政府單位須如何協助並執行?本研究針對原住民的生態社區的觀念趨向,檢視生態社區落實程度及原住民本身因素與環境態度間的關係,並了解原住民參與公共事物與動機,期望能對於政府推廣各項計畫有所幫助。



[ 英文摘要 ]

In 1854, a chieftain of Seattle Indian had made a address and warn people should be harmonious with nature but until now people realize how serious changes and damages are.

MOST of the aborigines in TAIWAN are living in the Mountain area where is far from the down town and it is inconvenient for traffic. NOT only the society, economy, medical treatment and the knowledge of the aborigines make backward development but also makes them to be a disadvantaged minority.They have been facing many tough situations for a long time because of the area development . The Government is advancing many policies about the Sustainable Development community, healthy community and Eco-community plan. Can these policies be available to all of the mountain areas? Some of the mountain areas are advancing many plans according to the Government’s policy. When the Government is advancing these policy in the mountain area, what kind of tough situation will they face? What can the Government help and do? The study is going to make a point of the concept trend of the Eco-community of aborigines. Expecting the Government could do something helpful with this matter.

Thanks to the characteristic of the aborigines Bunon, their life style is influenced late by the Hans, and conserve the original knowlegde of life style. People in Taitung Yanping Township is also living far from the down town, is trying to reach the goal of the ECO-community life style. The concept of the ECO-community is surveied by paper interviewing the aborigines resident. To understand the cognition and the environmental attitude of resident to discuss the relationship around their “background affection”, “cognition of Eco-community” , “environmental attitude” and “the motivation of paticipating in this event.”

The survey shows that must of the Taitung Yanping Township people know a lots about the Term and the concept of ECO-community and they have a correct concept about the environmental Sustainable, social Sustainable, culture Sustainable developments. Owing to the lack of the correct concept to the economic sustenance which makes the aborigines resident cannot make and keep them exalted. The major influence elements are “the living places”, “whether be one of the leaders in their community or not”,” participate the culture events” and “frequency of participate the community events”. The latest three elements have to do with the organization of the community which shows the importance to this township.

On the other side, the resident participates to the event. We might make a point of fthe aborigine resident to the “Green Project”, “the festivity of BUNON “ or the national sport ceremony could courage aborigines resident to participate and construct their community. Initiating the concept of” Sustainable Development community” will make a good impression on it.