依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
臺灣南排灣族pulingau(巫師)動作分析研究–以屏東縣春日鄉古華村sawais (馬芳蘭 女士)為例
族群: 排灣族   
主題: 傳統信仰  
作者 唐翎
學校系所 國立台灣體育大學體育舞蹈學系碩士班
地點 屏東縣 春日鄉    

[ 摘要 ]

本文主要目的是企圖透過南排灣族古華村pulingau(巫婆)的身體展演,以尋求動作之文化意涵,進而了解pulingau的動作與巫文化的脈絡關係。筆者採質性研究法,並借重拉邦動作分析(Laban Movement Analysis)理論做為依據,為pulingau從事靈療、占卜祈福以及在成巫儀式時的動作解碼;本研究發現:第一,在勁力(Effort)元素方面,多屬於斷續的以及速度較快的動作質地,視覺焦點經常是單一的,而身體狀態則常在輕鬆與緊繃之間轉換,多以輕柔的力道接觸求巫者,並產生最容易達成目的的行動驅使(Action drive)之驅力(Drive);第二,在形(Shape Quality)的身體型態質地方面,動作多屬於方向形動作(Directional),其動作流程非常清楚並且具有目標性,動作表現經常與大武山、求巫者與神靈產生多層次的關係,呈現pulingau與排灣族神靈世界的共存關係,以體現pulingau文化的具體實踐。

[ 英文摘要 ]

The main purpose of this research is to exam the body movement of pulingau(female priests) in the Southern Paiwan, Gu-hua village and focuses on the sawais (one of the female priests) as an example to study her movement meanings in the rituals of the healing, the cleromancy and the initiation of the pulingau. The study uses both qualitative research and Laban Movement Analysis (LMA), to interpret the movement meaning of the sawais. Following is the findings of this study: First, the sawais presents the Effort categories of the movement which includes sudden, light, direct, and flow, free and bound. These elements of effort are used to allow the body of the sawais in a changeable situation of easy or tense. In the healing ritual the patients seek her help, she uses the effort of free flow to touch and heal the patients. Besides these, the action drive is the most active one used to practice and complete the purposes of the rituals. Second, the sawais uses the directional movements in the mode of the Shape Quality to conduct the ritual sequences, and through which the multi-level relationships with the movements can be uncovered. For examples the movements represent the symbols of the divine Mt. Dawu, diviners and spirits. Thus, the swais’ movement meanings are related to the belief of the pulingau practiced in the context of the rituals.