依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
在花蓮地區執業之原住民公費醫師的服務經驗及影響他們續留與否之因素:八名醫師的經驗 Medical Service Experiences of eight Government-Sponsored Aboriginal Medical Doctors Currently Practicing in Hualien Country and Factors Influencing Their Career Decisions upon Completing Service
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 學術研究、醫療保健  
作者 朝巾玲
學校系所 慈濟大學原住民健康研究所
地點 花蓮縣 全部    

[ 摘要 ]

[ 英文摘要 ]
Since 1958, in order to increase the medical resources in remote areas, qualified Taiwanese aborigines have been trained to be medical doctors through the government sponsored medical education program in exchange for their 7-10 year of service in assigned health centers in remote areas after completing the medical training. However, it is the government-sponsored aboriginal medical doctors who have gathered experiences from service would become a greater help to the health of the local residents. Hence, it is important for these doctors to remain in assigned health centers after fulfilling the service requirement and be a continuous medical help to residents in those areas.
In order to explore factors influencing government-sponsored aboriginal medical doctors’ decisions on whether or not to stay in the assigned health centers after fulfilling the service requirement, I interviewed eight such doctors who had made their decisions and are currently practicing medicine in Hualien county. Among these eight doctors, two stayed and six left to continue practicing medicine in hospitals or clinics after fulfilling the service requirement.
According to the data gathered from interviews, the factors influencing these eight government-sponsored aboriginal medical doctors’ decisions included personal concerns for income and family, pursuing challenges and other factors such as relationship with authority personnel or with patients. One other finding that bore some importance was that even though six doctors chose to leave the assigned health centers after fulfilling the service requirement, the location that some of them had chosen to continue practicing medicine. indicated that they left the government-funded health centers but not the remote areas.
Based on the results of this study and the experiences of eight interviewed doctors, I discussed the possible strategies that the government can employ to increase the likelihood of government-sponsored aboriginal medical doctors’ continuous service in remote areas or assigned medical centers after fulfilling their service requirement. I also hope that the results of this study not only can be helpful to the government in policy amending, but also serves as a starting point for more research focusing on government-sponsored aboriginal medical doctors to come.