依類型 族群 主題   
2001.06.01 ~ 2002.06.01
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 獎勵補助、法律政治、學術研究  
作者 楊珮琳
學校系所 國立陽明大學衛生福利研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]




在統計方法上,描述性統計以百分比、平均數、標準差分析各變項的分佈情況;在推論統計方面,則以逐步複迴歸(stepwise multiple regression)等方法來進行分析。在測量工具的信度分析上,採 Cronbach α 係數以檢測量表的內部一致性信度;而對於內部一致性較低的量表,則採因素分析(factor analysis)以粹取量表中之重要因素。


[ 英文摘要 ]


The study applied structural questionnaire to investigate the attitude toward aborigine social policy making and the associated factors of aboriginal policy elites , including legislator , scholars and the official . The factors included in the study were as follows : "the basic demographic characteristics "," the characteristics of living region "," personal values and ideology"," the attitudes toward aborigine", "the reasons of aborigine’s problems"," the welfare ideology", and so on .

Self-administed questionnaire survey was applied to collect data on a total of 441 study subjects;that included 225 legislators , 176 officials of the central and local government responsible for aboriginal affairs , and 40 scholars once entrusted by Council of Indigenous Peoples,Executive Yuan .

On the questionnaire design , "measurement of attitudes toward aborigine", "measurement of the reasons of aborigine’s problems", and "measurement of welfare ideology" were adopted mainly from the questionnaires of the General Survey of Socail Attitudes in Taiwan , and self-developed questionnaire .Besides , a study of attitude toward aborigine social policy were according to the six views of aborigine social policy developed by M.C.Lee .

Data were keyed-in and analyzed by spss statistic software . Statistics including mean , standard deviation , percentage , multiple regression were applied . Factor analysis and Cronbach α were also used to construct new scales and to test the internal reliability of the scales .

Results of the study were as follows :

1.Policy elites tended to have negative stereotype to aborigine;

2.Policy elites tended to support that the impact of social system were the major factors explained the aborigine’s problems ;

3.Policy elites tended to agree the institutional views of welfare ideology;

4.Most important of all , when "the basic demographic characteristics "and" the characteristics of living region " were controlled , the “personal values and ideology"," the attitudes toward aborigine", "the reasons of aborigine’s problems”, and "the welfare ideology" influenced the policy elites’ attitude toward aboriginal social policy making significantly. And some independent variables interact with each other.

Besides suggesting to further studies , the study also discusses the validity and reliability of the measurement tools .