依類型 族群 主題   
2001.06.01 ~ 2002.06.01
族群: 布農族   
主題: 部落建設、學術研究  
作者 黃文卿
學校系所 國立臺灣大學園藝學研究所
地點 南投縣 信義鄉    

[ 摘要 ]






[ 英文摘要 ]

The study was devoted to present the management indicator system and measurable criteria in Taiwan’s national parks, by the case study of Yushan National Park. Those practical thesis or paradigms used in this study includes the concept of sustainable development and indicators-measuring system, management of protected areas and national parks, degrees of nature, the theory of vegetation site, and eco-tourism. Besides literature review, the author also used in-depth interview of specialists and aboriginals, visitors’ satisfaction survey, employees and volunteers’ recognition survey, AHP method and researcher’s long-term experience in national park planning and management to reach the system model of sustainable indicators of national parks.

The result of this study was to submit a definition and context of management indicator system especially for Taiwan’s national parks, 8 sustainable indicators and measurable criteria, by the case study of Yushan National Park. The respective score of each item were as follows: (1) degrees of nature in national park (81.258), (2) integrity of species investigation (42.5), (3) indicator of permanent site (36), (4) expenditure ratio of conservational study (39.9), (5) expenditure ratio of anthropo-centric project (35.44), (6) recognition of aboriginals or local settlers (aimed at aboriginals, 88.1), (7) satisfaction of eco-tourist (94.7), and(8) recognition of employees and volunteers of national park (85.63).

The result of AHP showed that the degrees of nature in Yushan National Park, with the weight value of 0.206, is the most important, and the visitors satisfaction survey of eco-tour service in Yushan National Park, with the weight value of 0.150, is secondary. The total value of sustainable management score in Yushan National Park was 70.

The study concluded that it is necessary to set a measurable sustainable indicator system in view of its probability, evaluation, sustainability, I shared with my personal creative opinions as below: (1) to set sustainable management indicators’ system and their context, (2) to deeply explore the study outcome of LTER with the comprehensive application of the theory of degrees of nature and vegetation site and species inventory, (3) to submit a measurable criteria according to the related budgeting experience in conservational study, (4) to merge various expectation of different partners, such as visitors, aboriginals, volunteers, employees, to forge a co-management system with full involvement.

The study also suggested that the authorized agency of national park and related academic group will put more emphasis on the quantitative characteristics and function of sustainable indicators. Besides continuing to encourage academic research, and take it as a reference of performance evaluation in national park administration.