依類型 族群 主題   
2001.06.01 ~ 2002.06.01
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 社會關懷  
作者 游聖薇
學校系所 臺東師範學院教育研究所
地點 台東縣 台東市    

[ 摘要 ]

摘 要




[ 英文摘要 ]

Family and Dropouts

Case Study of 3 Native Junior High School Girls in Taitung City

You, Sheng-Wei

National Taitung Teachers College

Graduate Institute of Education


Family matters, for natives with higher ratio of incomplete family functions and family structures, it is even more so. However, not many researchers could cut to such impacts directly by the mutual influences between family and native dropouts to explore its relationship between it and the native junior high school students choosing to drop out of schools. In order to help us to search for a picture of these dropouts from a multifaceted perspective, the researcher here has tried to study the nature of the dropout choice of 3 native junior high school girls in Taitung City. The purpose is to demonstrate different looks of the native dropouts’ families and their correlation with the kids’ choosing to drop out of schools in order to serve as reference for the school teachers and the related counselors when facing these dropouts or drop-out-but-back-to-school-again students so that the students can have more direct help.

It finds that in terms of the family backgrounds of the native junior high school dropouts, there are features: complicated and rough growing up, absence of parents and unstable financial status etc. Such internal and external factors are the keys that it is unable to provide such kids with a space beneficial for growth and learning. And such factors and the attitudes that the families thought about the children’ dropout have become the family factors that these kids would choose to drop out of schools again. Also the researcher has found that contrary to family’s influence on the kids, the dropout of these kids does not cause a lot of impacts on the family.

Keywords: family, native dropout