依類型 族群 主題   
2001.06.01 ~ 2002.06.01
族群: 美洲原住民  
主題: 法律政治  
作者 王定國
學校系所 靜宜大學西班牙語文學系
地點 其他 其他    

[ 摘要 ]



恰帕斯州(Chiapas),地處墨西哥東南一隅,「富有卻貧窮」,幾世紀以來,遭受資本主義的蹂躪與掠奪,「富有」許多令人覬覦的資源,卻也惹來諸多不幸,財富無法落到當地人手中的結果,造成了資源分佈不均的「貧窮」問題。職是之故,藉著一九九四年一月一日北美自由貿易協定(NAFTA)生效之日,恰帕斯州逾三分之一強的原住民終於發出其內心深藏已久的怒吼,在副總司令馬爾寇斯(Subcomandante Marcos)的領導指揮之下,薩帕迪斯塔國民解放軍(EZLN)佔據恰帕斯州許多主要城市,震驚墨國上下,迫使政府不得不重視其訴求。

此論文主要著重於一九九四年至二OOO 年的整個恰州起義全貌。此運動不單單影響整個中南美洲其他原住民起義運動的訴求方式,也讓我們知曉,以美國為首的資本主義集團,如何地透過「正式」的誘騙,欺凌了恰州的原住民。


[ 英文摘要 ]


We had never seen that the indigenous people recur to the straightening of his rights neither that the indigenous movement could catch so much attention of the world. The farmer-indigenous movement that began on January 1st, 1994, in the Chiapas State of Mexico rewrote the image of the indigenous people and woke up the concern for the oppressed people.

The Chiapas State is situated at the Southeast of Mexico, “naturally rich but impoverished”. For several centuries, this State suffered the deprivation and ravage of the capitalism. The Chiapas State owned many attractive resources that caused many misfortunes. The capital that could not be distributed fairly to the indigenous people leads to the problem of poverty. Therefore, by the effect of the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) on January 1st, 1994, under the leadership of Subcommandant Marcos, the EZLN (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional) showed their dissatisfaction. They occupied many principal cities of Chiapas and all the nation was shocked. This movement forced the government of Mexico to pay attention to its declaration.

This thesis puts emphasis on the panorama of the farmer-indigenous movement from 1994 to 2000. This movement not only affects the way of the declaration of other indigenous movements in Latin America, but also lets us understand how the capitalism that is leaded by the United States oppressed the indigenous chiapanecos through the “official” cheat.

This thesis is analyzing the whole panorama of the farmer-indigenous movement of the Chaipas State; by studying the indigenism in Latin America, we can trace the indigenous people’s autoconsciousness; from the historical background of the Chiapas State, we are able to study its historic destiny; furthermore, from the process of this movement, their declaration can be deduced. Finally, we inspect the influences and echo of this movement. I hope this thesis can give us “civilized human beings” a reflection: let’s take care of the rights of the indigenous people, otherwise, there will be more farmer-indigenous movements like the one of the Chiapas State” in other places of the world.