依類型 族群 主題   
2001.06.01 ~ 2002.06.01
族群: 阿美族   
主題: 歲時祭儀、學術研究、觀光旅遊  
作者 黃口珈
學校系所 逢甲大學土地管理學系
地點 花蓮縣 花蓮市    

[ 摘要 ]


本研究利用「條件評估法」(contingent valuation method,CVM)評估豐年祭文化資源之整體效益,包括:使用價值與非使用價值;而非使用價值又可分為存在價值、選擇價值與遺贈價值等三項。本研究設計一個虛擬的財貨市場,提出若干假設性的問題,透過實地的問卷調查方式,以願意支付金額(Willingness to Pay,WTP)的方式,來請遊客對花蓮市阿美族豐年祭文化資源做價值認知的表達。在問卷調查之詢價方式方面,則採用支付價值卡法,而虛擬支付的對象為「基金會」。


一、花蓮市阿美族豐年祭文化資源之使用價值每人每年願付金額平均為 764元;就非使用價值而言,存在價值平均為730元,選擇價值平均為 732元,遺贈價值平均為730元,而以這些價值來估算整體效益,則每人每年願付金額平均為2959元。以此方法所估算出之豐年祭文化資源整體效益貨幣平均值,可提供相關單位補助活動舉辦之經費分配參考。


三、受訪遊客之社會經濟屬性,對上述不同價值之願付金額基本上沒有顯著的影響;但遊客之旅遊特性中,有參與豐年祭經驗者與停留時間較長者等二項,對上述不同價值之願付金額較高。至於對遊客付費意願的最大影響因素為豐年祭的最大特色 - 傳統歌舞,這點值得主辦單位在行銷上善加利用。


[ 英文摘要 ]

The Harvest Festival, as one of the cultural resources, not only belongs to the environmental resources, it is also a part of non-market goods. The tourism opportunities it creates have the characteristics of public goods and non-trading market price as well. Because, the Harvest Festival is the most treasured cultural resources to the Aborigine in Taiwan, how to measure its value by monetary numbers so as to serve as the reference for government to objectively and fairly allocate annual budget to support this festival was the major purpose to conduct this research.

The Contingent Valuation method (CVM) was applied to measure the total benefits of the Harvest Festival, including use and non-use value, and the later one was divided into three kinds, including existence value, option value and bequest value. According to the CVM, a virtual market was designed in a questionnaire survey on site to provide randomly selected respondents with several assumptive questions about the value of the Amis’ Harvest Festival. Data were collected by asking those respondents to express their perceived value of the festival in terms of their willingness to pay (WTP) to each question. The payment value card method was used by respondents to express their WTP to each question and a virtual Foundation was set up as the place where the WTP went to.

The study results have shown as follows:

1. The average use value for each respondent attending the Amis’ Harvest Festival in Hualien city was 764 NT per year; as to the non-use value, the average existence value was 730 NT per year; the average option value was 732 NT per year; the average bequest value was 730 NT per year; and the average total benefit estimated by those different kinds of value was 2959 NT per year. These amounts of different value could serve as a reference for government to allocate reasonable budget to different festivals.

2. The main motivations for the visitor respondents to participate in the Festival were to preserve Amis’ cultural resources and to experience their traditional living custom. It may indicate that the preservation of the Amis’ cultural resources is a very important issue.

3. The respondents’ socio-economic attributes were not the significant factors to affect their WTP to each value measurement. However, such touring characteristics as past experience and the length of staying in the festival would significantly affect their WTP. As to the most influential reason why visitors were willing to pay to attend the festival was Amis’ traditional music and dance. It may indicate that those who are holding the festival could promote this special attraction in their marketing program.

In addition, some suggestions for management and operation of the festival were presented in this research for the reference of relevant agencies.