依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
巴布麓卑南人的「部落」觀念與建構 The Construction and Concept of Tribe - Papulu
族群: 卑南族   
主題: 文化慣習、學術研究  
作者 王勁之
學校系所 國立臺東大學南島文化研究所
地點 台東縣 台東市    

[ 摘要 ]




[ 英文摘要 ]

The most commonly used research technique of the contemporary anthropology is to stay in a small settlement engaged in the field investigation. Nevertheless, apart from researches which carry on in the settlement, settlement itself should also be a subject to face up. For many Austronesian in Taiwan, the settlement which the local residents live in groups is the so–called tribe. This article takes a Puyuma settlement as an example, attempting to discuss the concept of tribe in native’s mind.

First of all, we elaborate the bini idea with the construction of family and genealogy by Puyuma. By revealing the symbolic meaning of annual sacrificial offering, we illustrate how the native come up with the idea of tribe through blood relations and geographic connections. Moreover, the concept of tribe could be developed and transformed depending on actual situations as we apply the cultural view to historical events. In retrospection, we illustrate the developing process and present situation of tribes.

From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that Puyuma’s tribe concept is a set of flexible mechanism, not only integrate the interior diversity or confrontation, but also take advantage of itself to adapt the exterior changes. Therefore, tribe itself is an unceasing developing process of linking up and transforming the difference from the outside.