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2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
作者 陳永亮
學校系所 國立東華大學族群關係與文化研究所
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研究內容 [ 摘要 ]

本論文以回憶和日常生活的角度,採取《貧窮文化》民族誌書寫方式,描繪3位太魯閣族居民於山上和山下的一日生活及其生命經驗,試圖回答當部落遷村後,為何仍選擇留在山上生活的原因。研究以為,由於外在環境的緩慢變化和居民的作息安排,使得山上猶如Thomas Mann的「魔山」,身處其中讓人忘了時間,也甚少回憶。在無時間感的生活中,過往的不愉快,山下面對親人、鄰居、教友,這些鑲嵌於日常生活的角色關係和所伴隨的苦惱,得以暫時遺忘而找到宣洩逃脫的出口。遺忘,因此記得;遺忘,所以沈默;遺忘,所以留在山上。本論文同時省察田野調查中,關於對象如何成為報導人,研究者與報導人之間的關係、互動,以及對彼此的想像和期待。究竟人類學家和報導人是否存在一種和諧(rapport)狀態?亦或只是彼此過程中的同謀(complicity)?「置身於他人之中來看我們自己」,田野調查的凝視和遭逢,往往映照出自身的存在與處境;對報導人回憶的探求,對異文化的書寫,某種程度上也是自我的追憶,過程中雙方都獲得回看過去經驗的可能性。本論文以《西西弗的神話》(Le Mythe de Sisyphe)作為譬喻︰田野對象不斷上下山的行為彷如西西弗持續推動著巨石,不僅如Albert Camus所詮釋的他們認清命運並起身反抗;另一方面也在這過程中成為那顆只在當下滾動著的巨石。而這被推動著的巨石,這在全然信仰中走著平穩且寧靜腳步的西西弗,是幸福的。

[ 英文摘要 ]

The research centers three Truku people of Mountain Tribe on their everyday life, thereby elucidating why would they remain a mountain live after the tribe was forced to move down to the level ground, and how they understand their world and where they position themselves. In their “timeless space” – as far as it can be imagined, i.e., Thomas Mann’s Magic Mountain – the tribal folks then are able to vent their life pressure and forget temporarily the unpleasantness in their lives and agonies from the relationships with relatives, neighbors, friends in the church, et cetera. The research yet endeavors to deal with the tension, interaction, imagination, and expectation between the informants and the fieldworker. It demonstrates how an anthropological researcher positions himself during the fieldwork and the predicaments and contradictions he confronts with his informants. The research appropriates Le Mythe de Sisyphe as a metaphor and compares these Truku people to Sisyphe. These tribal fellows not only see clearly their fate and stand up to resist but also become the rock only rolling at the certain moment in the process. It would be a luck and fortune for them who can step smoothly, steadily and tranquilly with a firm belief.