依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
原住民傳統飲食的延續與市場調適以花蓮光復鄉馬太鞍阿美族為例 The Continuance of Aboriginal Cuisine and Market Adaptation An Example of the Vataan Amis of Hualien’s Guangfu Village
作者 李昭賢
學校系所 國立東華大學族群關係與文化研究所
地點 全臺 全部  
研究內容 [ 摘要 ]














2000 年政黨輪替後開始強調「本土化」,政府也舉辦多次的原住民飲食比










[ 英文摘要 ]

In the past decade, Taiwanese society underwent large-scale economic changes. The exodus of industries to China and the introduction of foreign workers have reduced Aboriginal employment opportunities, and caused a conspicuous drop in the employment rate. Concurrent with these economic changes, the government launched an effort to actively promote domestic tourism. With ever more convenient transportation networks, tourists flooded into the Hualien region restaurants of different styles began to enter and local culinary habits started to change accordingly. Also, the advent of food industry giants such as McDonald’s brought about the mass production of dishes, the homogenization of global flavors, and the disappearance of local ingredients or traditional courses. No culinary culture worldwide is spared from this erosion. As this global process occurs, people began to yearn for simpler, more natural lives. Driven by these circumstances, culinary cultures around the world began to push for a “return to nature” and a “LOHAS” lifestyle, emphasizing on natural, healthy, and simple culinary principles.

This trend was picked up and advocated by Taiwanese consumers too and in the process, Aboriginal cooking was brought into the spotlight. The culinary culture of Taiwanese Aboriginals, marked by local ingredients, natural and simple flavoring, and easy cooking, was exactly the natural and wholesome recipe that the urbanites were seeking for. Combined with the rise of worldwide aboriginal movements, tourism flourished for the Aboriginal tribes in Taiwan. With these trends in mind, the evolution and revolution of Aboriginal cuisine in the ethnically diverse region of Hualien is therefore an emerging subject worthy of attention.

After coming into power in 2000, the Democratic Progressive Party emphasized the “localization” of Taiwanese culture. Under that policy, the government hosted many Aboriginal culinary competitions, and even included some Aboriginal dishes on state banquets menus. Caught in the middle of a fad for natural and healthful diet, can the natural and simple ethos of Aboriginal cuisine survive, or will it lose its distinctiveness under greatly increased demand? Can traditional culinary culture be preserved?

This study aims to discuss the traditional cuisine of the Amis Tribe, its ecological environment, and its market adaptation. The goal is to understand and identify through case studies the following:

1.The essential characters of Amis cuisine.

2.The effect of Amis cuisine on modern cuisine

3.The cultures of other tribes that affect the Amis cuisine culture.