依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
作者 白皇湧
學校系所 國立東華大學族群關係與文化研究所
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研究內容 [ 摘要 ]

本論文通過居住在花蓮縣秀姑巒溪出海口地區的阿美族人,對於自己族群歷史的書寫、述說和展演等各種型式,進而回答有關「歷史是什麼?」之問題。人們從外界具體事物的變遷感知當中,習得抽象的「時間」概念,然而對於時間的自我表述,則是歷史思維活動的源頭;透過對時間變遷的感知與自覺,「歷史意識」最終形成一項歷史知識,而探究歷史意識的動機則在尋找一個生存的基本方向感,我從哪裡來?該往何處去?置身在時間之流中該如何自我定位。人們將自身所期望的時間注入真正經歷的時間,並在兩者交互作用下的心靈活動結果,唯有這被經驗與期待所創造出來的「人文時間」,得以與自然時間的壓迫相互抗衡。人類從事歷史(doing history)的行為,事實上是為了逃脫「自然時間」及其最終所帶來的肉體死亡。在歷時性的變遷之中,Cepo''「出海口」的空間指認,由一「地方」擴大為指稱過去「人群聚落」的想像,並聯結氏族團體曾經四散遷徙的集體記憶,及形塑東海岸阿美族現代聚落的分布,凡此皆來自清代與國家體制衝突下發生的動亂流血事件,該事件是人們形成一項在地歷史知識╱意識的起點。不論以何種型態保存的「歷史」(或者『文化』),皆有隨萬事萬物變遷之特質,若吾人將此凝結成一項客觀、固定形式的存在對象,缺乏自覺性的反思,則認知上難免流於片段。在建構知識的同時,需認清歷史詮釋背後所隱含的權力意志,且唯有當下進行主觀式瞭解的個人,才是歷史知識的主體。

[ 英文摘要 ]

Drawing on the question, “What is ‘History’?” from archives, narration, and performance of the Amis ethnic people who lives beside the estuary area of Xiu-Gu-Luan River [Hualien, Taiwan], this thesis clarifies the ways of how people perceive history. Human beings had learned the abstract idea of “Time” from perceived of transit by surroundings. Self-representation of time is the beginning of historical thought. Through the perceived and self-knowledge toward the movement of time, a historical consciousness will eventually form a historical knowledge. The motivation of exploring historical consciousness which is seeking a basic aspect of existence, the “wherefrom” and “whereto” question, and how to orientate themselves under the flowing time? The time, which expected by one’s own can be infused into what he really experienced, and so on the contrary. “Humane Zeit” is a result of mental activities by each other, which created by experience and expectation to contend with the oppression from “Naturzeit.” The behavior of “doing history” by human beings, in fact is to disengage from the end of the flesshliness dissolution. Under a diachronic transition, the indication of Cepo’ estuary has been enlarged from “a place” to an imagination of “a tribe” in the past, it also connected to the collective memory of diaspora, and shaped the spread of Amis Tribe on the east coast of Taiwan in the modern time. By means of the commotion conflict between Qing Dynasty’s regime and culture in that area, the sanguinary incident was a start of arising their local history/consciousness.