依類型 族群 主題   
2005.06.01 ~ 2006.06.01
地理資訊系統作為與民眾溝通工具之探討-以華隆部落土地爭議為例 Geographic Information Systems as a communication tool with public - a case study of land contention in Hualong tribe
作者 彭玉玲
學校系所 國立東華大學自然資源管理研究所
地點 全臺 全部  
研究內容 [ 摘要 ]






[ 英文摘要 ]

With the ability of storing, sorting, analyzing, and displaying graphical and spatial environmental data, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are indispensable tools for natural resources management, The advantage of map display of the GIS results can also be a very powerful tools to aid communication among people of divers backgrounds. In this case study, AricView and an extension module SHALSATB were used to analyze the slope stability of an aboriginal traditional tribe land (Hua-Long tribe). The graphic displays of results were deployed during meetings with the tribe people in order to solve the dispute over tribe and the governmental agencies.

The slope stability analysis suggested that the tribe land was not suitable to release from its current status of a protection forest following governmental regulations of forest land and soil conservation. Extensive interviews and participant-observation research were also carried out to investigate the core questions in aboriginal culture and social aspects in this land dispute. Alternative resolutions such as swap the Hua-Long tribe land with other public forest lands and the possibility of developing a co-management scheme were also touched in the processes.

However, as the dispute is deeply rooted from historical distrust between aboriginal tribe and the land management agencies. Even though alternatives were suggested by this study, leaders of the tribe people are determined to strive for their traditional land ownership. Although, the dispute remains difficult to resolve within a short period of time, suggestions of public participation GIS (PPGIS) are still made as a conclusion of this study. Signs of the acceptance of the GIS by youth in the tribe during the tribe meetings seems indicated that ability of using GIS to explore the possible schemes of natural resources management by aboriginal tribe is encouraging. As the land disputes between aboriginal tribes and government agencies are wide spread in Taiwan, the training of aboriginal tribe in communication and analysis using the GIS will be a critical step toward sustainable development of natural resources in Taiwan.