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2005.06.01 ~ 2006.06.01
一個聚落的生與死──三重市後埔仔的聚落發展與地方感形塑 The Life and Death of Hou-Pu-Ah Settlement:The Formation of Settlement and Sense of Place
作者 留方萍
學校系所 國立高雄師範大學地理學系
地點 全臺 全部  
研究內容 [ 摘要 ]
指導教授:蘇淑娟 博士
研 究 生:留方萍

摘 要
  本論文透過史籍考證及訪談實察,以人本主義地理學觀點,重塑後埔仔聚落變遷史。「後埔仔」座落在台北縣三重市,位於台北盆地內的淡水河西岸平原上,大漢溪及新店溪滙流處。清治以前為平埔族武朥灣社漁獵之地,後來遭刮除重寫成為漢人移墾農業社會。與台北市隔淡水河相望的位置,註定後埔仔淪為台北市附庸 的命運,供應其農產、勞動力及工業土地。民國63年二重疏洪道計劃定案帶來滅村危機,聚落居民誓死抗爭;民國72年大部分聚落遭拆遷,居民四散至鄰近鄉里;拆遷戶並於民國73年起爭取50坪土地配售至今。拆遷後,在地與舊居民間持續不斷地,在不同時空中實踐的氏族聚會、村廟宗教活動、子弟社演出,都使原本根植於農業及大地遊戲的地方感延續,不受拆遷重創,而繼續維持不斷再生的聚落生命。



[ 英文摘要 ]
The Life and Death of Hou-Pu-Ah Settlement:
The Formation of Settlement and Sense of Place
Master’s Thesis
Department of Geography, National Kaohsiung Normal University
Advisor: Shew-Jiuan B. Su, Ph.D.
Graduate student: Fang-Ping Liu
  The site of Hou-Pu-Ah used to be the hunting and fishing area of Wu-Lau-Wan group of Pingpu tribe in the pre-Ching era. As Han people’s agricultural society domesticated the area, Wu-Lau-Wan’s history was rubbed away. Based upon historical records, qualitative interviews, and participant observations, the author reconstructs the process of spatial annihilation and place recovery of the settlement. The sense of place and local identity of the Hou-Pu-Ah residents are analyzed with humansitic perspective. The settlement displacement due to diversion channel plan and the settlement relocation formed the two sides of local identy story.
The settlement of Hou-Pu-Ah was doomed to become dependent and to supply agricultural produce, labor force and industrial land for the Taipei City due to its peripheral nature. In 1974, the decision of Er-zhong diversion channel plan brought crisis to the settlement and the residents pledged to resist the plan. In 1983, when the settlement suffered forced demolition, the residents scattered to neighboring areas. They have strived for the 50-ping(坪) land lot from the government to sell to them since. Since relocation, local residents continue unceasing clan meetings, religious activities, and music society activities, to sustain their sense of place.
  The sense of place of Hou-Pu-Ah people is the dynamical equilibrium of the centrifugal and centripetal forces of residents. The clan sacrifice offerings, religious activities, and Bei-guan Music Society play a main role in strengthening the sense of place. The external crisis intensifies old residents’ sense of place, and generates tremendous determination to protect the place beyond their lives. The sense of place can be modified or even vanished if place memory is lost. New local identity is being formed as new and old residents interact, and new and old settlemtents interlock.
  “Black hole settlement space” and “virtural reality settlement space”, are proposed to describe the lingering sense of place. As the displaced residents not willing to accept the demolition and relocation of their homes, they choose to run away from the reality. “The black hole settlement space” is generated to describe people’s experience of the place; “virtura reality settlement space”, such as temples, ancestor worship, Bei-guan Society activities, the genealogy documents, etc., are representation of the sense of place of Hou-Pu-Ah residents.

Key words: Hou-Pu-Ah, settlement, sense of place, black hole settlement (space) , virtural reality settlement (space) .