依類型 族群 主題   
2006.06.01 ~ 2007.06.01
作者 嚴春財
學校系所 國立嘉義大學國民教育研究所
地點 全臺 全部  
研究內容 [ 摘要 ]


本研究以Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck(1973)的價值導向以及Harris(1990)的世界觀為理論基礎,並從人與自然╱超自然、人與時間、人與空間、人際關係與族群關係等五個面向進行探討;其次,研究方法採參與觀察和半結構式訪談為主,研究對象分耆老、中壯年、幼童三個世代,男性8人,女性6人,並以紮根理論的方法進行資料的分析,研究結果如下:







[ 英文摘要 ]

This research main theme was based on Aboriginal of Tsou educational concept, to probe the causes of the circumstances from old days to modern time. Based on critical pedagogy point of view to analyze the main issue of Tsou future education development and hidden anxiety, hopefully by this research of clan, let people of Tsou get better understanding of their own problems , also let other clan to understand the difference between them, so they will respect support of each other.

This research based on Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck (1973) Value Orientation and World view of Harris(1990), also discussed people with nature and supernatural, people and time, people and space, people relation and clan relation those five main subjects .The research method was join observation and semi-structured interview. The research subject was three difference generations, from child to elderly. Included eight males and six females. Used grounded-theory to analyze the theory and data, the outcome of research were as fallow:

1.View of universe: The change from god’s theory to science theory.

2.View of epistemology: The change from subjectivism to objectivism.

3.Theory of authority: The change from traditions authority to the legal principle authority.

4.Interpersonal relationship: The change from collectivism to individualism.

5.View of ethnic: The change from conservatism to liberalism.

6.View of values: The change from altruism to egoism.