依類型 族群 主題   
2005.06.01 ~ 2006.06.01
居家照護服務現況與分析 - 以花蓮縣為例
作者 王貞几
學校系所 南華大學非營利事業管理研究所
地點 全臺 全部  
研究內容 0

[ 摘要 ]





1.人口學特性與背景資料:案主以女性居多、平均年齡69.1歲、案主75-84歲為多數;原住民族群占六成以上;教育程度以不識字及初等教育佔大多數;已婚案主為多數,其次為鰥寡;居住鄉鎮分佈以秀林鄉為多數;案主為中低收入戶占六成以上;案主來源為社福機構的轉介;案主有五成與家屬同住,女性為主要照顧者,主要照顧者以子女居多,其次為配偶。在身體健康狀況,七成案主領有殘障手冊,殘冊類別為肢體殘障;巴氏量表平均分數為43.47,為嚴重依賴狀態;平均罹患1.3種疾病,主要前三項疾病為高血壓、腦血管疾病、糖尿病。接受服務狀況:案主平均接受3.83項的居家照護服務;身體照顧服務、居家環境改善、換洗 衣物之洗濯與修補為前三項使用之服務項目。





[ 英文摘要 ]


  The purposes of this thesis were to survey the current home care services and to explore whether the cases of various demographic characteristics and background differ in the condition of care, service item, and health status. The sample for this study consisted of people who had obtained home care in 2004, from the institutions of home services in Hualien. Totally, 235 cases were surveyed. All data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, t-test, and one-way ANOVA test.


The results were shown as follows.


1. Demographic characteristics and background:

* Females were majority; average age was 69.1 years old; over 60% was aborigines.

* Most cases were illiterate and primary school graduates, married, lived in Xiu Lin Village. Over 60% was mid-low income.

* Fifty percent of the cases lived with family

* Females were caregiver

* Most cases were cared by children.

* Seventy percent of the cases possessed a disability handbook, with limbs disability the majority.

* An average activities of daily living (ADL) point was 43.47.

* The three leading chronic diseases were CVA, hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

* The most common services provided were body care, house clean, clean and darn clothes.


2. Significant differences in health state existed among different sex, age, ethnicity, marriage status, and social security status and referral source. On the other hand, significant differences in health state were found among different resident type, place, and sex of caregiver and relationship of caregiver.


3. Significant difference in service item existed among different sex, age, ethnicity, education degree, marriage status, and social security status and referral source; whereas significant differences in service item were found among those of different resident type, place, sex of caregiver.