依類型 族群 主題   
2006.06.01 ~ 2007.06.01
作者 全鴻德(邦卡兒.海放南)
學校系所 靜宜大學生態學研究所
地點 全臺 全部  
研究內容 [ 摘要 ]

塔塔加地區位於臺灣中部與南部之交匯區,阿里山山脈與玉山山脈之間,是臺灣濁水溪、高屏溪二大水系的分水嶺,從日治時期經歷伐木、栽植、試驗、火燒變化,使塔塔加地區植被有相當大的改變。本次調查以塔塔加地區沿線九條道路、步道系統,作為調查樣帶,以每100 m為段落,調查每條段落植物,各段落平均物種數量依序為楠溪林道、塔塔加阿里山公路、舊日據登玉山步道、鹿林小徑、玉山林道、鹿林山步道麟趾山步道、東埔山步道、東埔大草原步道,各樣帶與段落之種類多寡,與道路性質、分布區域,森林火燒、氣候、使用、砍草等有關聯。為編撰塔塔加地區植物解說手冊為目標,篩選(1)常見物種:在九條步道均出現的種類,或物種總出現段落出超過66個(佔總段落數131的一半以上),(2)特殊物種:選定特殊、醒目,具觀賞或文化價值之種類,共選定解說植物60種。物候觀察工作,每月進行二次(月初與月底),依原調查樣帶再選定五條樣帶,將紀錄的資料分析整理,結果得出塔塔加地區一年四季都有開花、結果,開花種類逐月增高至10月後再下降,結果月份有2月、8月兩個高峰,3、4月種類最少。將選定的解說種類製作格式撰寫解說文稿,經由作者的原住民身分,整理出塔塔加地區布農族民族植物,以增加解說植物之深度及人文廣度。

[ 英文摘要 ]

Tataka area is located in boundary south era and central Taiwan, surrounded by Alishan and Yushan ridges. It is the watershed of two major rivers, Jioushuei River and Gaoping River in Taiwan. The vegetation in Tataka area has encountered dramatic changes from logging, plantation and fires since the Japanese occupation period, and the Tataka is included in Yushan national park nowadays.

One hundred-meter long transects were set in nine trails in Tataka area and did plant inventories. The species richness is highest in Nansi forest road, followed by Yushan scenic highway, Lulin trail, Japanese era Yushan trail, Yushan forest road, Lulinshan trail, Linchishan trail, Tonpu trail and Tonpu grassland trail. The plant species richness is related to trail length, altitudes, vegetation zones, climate and human disturbance. Furthermore, the selected plant species were based on cultural values and occurrence frequencies more than half for future interpretive plans. Moreover, the phenology was recorded twice a month in five selected trails in Tataka area. The peak of blooming event falls in October, and fruiting event peaks in February and August. Finally, Author described ethnobotanical knowledge of the local indigenous people, Bunun, in this study to enrich the materials for interpretive purposes.