依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
尖石泰雅語前綴研究 A Study of the Prefixes in Jianshih Atayal
作者 吳新生
學校系所 國立新竹教育大學臺灣語言與語文教育研究所
地點 全臺 全部  
研究內容 [ 摘要 ]
本文所要討論的主題是尖石鄉賽考利克泰雅語衍生前綴語意與功能。在本方言中,值得探討的衍生前綴包含t-, s-, k-, p-, c-, ’-, l-, pk-, lk-, cin-, pin-等。這些衍生前綴有些可以依附在各種不同的詞類,例如:動詞、名詞以及數詞;有些可以依附在動詞和名詞;少數衍生前綴只依附在動詞,或名詞,或數詞。有些衍生前綴可能改變原詞彚的詞類;有些可能不改變原詞彚的詞類。依據它們是否改變原詞彚的詞類,我們可以將它們的功能區分成:「動詞化」、「動詞詞綴」、「名詞化」、「名詞詞綴」。並非所有的衍生前綴都具有上述四種功能,例如:衍生前綴t-具有「動詞化」、「動詞詞綴」、「名詞化」、「名詞詞綴」四種功能;而衍生前綴s-只具有「動詞化」、「動詞詞綴」的功能。我們根據這些衍生詞綴的功能分別探討它們的語意;同時就各衍生前綴的語意與功能進行分析與比較。


[ 英文摘要 ]
The topic of this thesis deals with the derivational prefixes in the Jianshih Squliq dialect of Atayal. In this dialect, there are only eleven derivational prefixes which are worth examining, including t-, s- , k-, p-, c-, ’-, l-, pk-, lk-, cin-, pin-. This thesis attempts to make a descriptive study of the semantics and the functions of these derivational prefixes.
Some derivational prefixes occur in verbs, nouns, and numerals, and the others occur in verbs and nouns. Some prefixes change the lexical categories and others don’t. Accordingly whether they change the lexical category or not, we divide their functions into four groups: verbalizers, verbal prefixes, nominalizers, and nominal prefixes. We investigate and discuss the semantics of the derivational prefixes depending on their functions. Furthermore, we compare all the semantics and the functions among them.
The first chapter introduces some basic linguistic and geographic knowledge of this dialect. In the second chapter, we discuss the semantics and the functions of each derivational prefix and show the AF forms of the derivational verbs at the same time. Chapter Three discusses three issues. The first one is to compare the functions of the derivational prefixes which have the same semantics. The second one is to present the same hosts attached by the different derivational prefixes. The third one is to show the co-occurrence types of the derivational prefixes. In the concluding chapter, we summarize the significant findings of this thesis so that we can give a more clear outline for our observations and investigation.

Key words: Squliq Dialect, Verbalizer, Verbal Prefix,
Nominalizer, Nominal Prefix.