依類型 族群 主題   
1998.06.01 ~ 2000.06.01
一個深山部落面對現代化處境的生存策略(The Social & Cultural Practice for Surviving in the Modernized Situation:The case of Bunun of TakiBokai.)
作者 黃正璋 (Huang,Cheng-Chang )
學校系所 國立東華大學族群關係與文化研究所
地點 全臺 全部  
研究內容 *中心館藏網址:http://0rz.tw/b65ay

[ 摘要 ]
然而從部落的生活世界(practical world of bunun)出發,我們發覺部落現今的社會實踐(social being of bunun),正以相隨式(complementary)交錯與對抗式(symmetrical)交錯的相交關係,鑲嵌出一種交錯分成(schismogenesis)的行事世界,並且,相隨式交錯與對抗式交錯在現今布農人的社會實踐中達到一種動態平衡的關係。因此,研究者稱這樣動態平衡下的交錯分成狀態為面對現代化處境的生存策略。換言之,現代化處境下的布農族部落生活為何會產生這樣的生活狀態,是因為布農族人的文化本心(cultural being of bunun)與現代化社會運作(social being of Modernized Society)之間相互搓揉所造成的。本研究試圖以部落生活中具體的互動關係與行事脈絡來說明這樣的生存策略。

How do we start to think about problems in aboriginal society? Are they about the alcoholism, child prostitution, single-parents family or the marital violence? Or they are the Culture Renaissance, acculturation, resistlessly changes, or the Community Renaissance. Most orientations of the social psychology state: it is absolutely that the aboriginal society has been affecting and changing by the modernization with culture resources vanishing. Furthermore, various social affairs in aboriginal society appear as symptoms of disorder with social changes. Seemly, those orientations objectify the aborigines and ignore their subjective consciousness; the one-dimension studies scarcely illuminate the process of adapting themselves to the modern life.
This study strives for a new access to clarify the point of turning and delicate interactions when the aborigines confront the modernized situation. By the field -work of anthropology, I have involved in tribal life. Meanwhile, the practical context belonging to the tribe has unveiled via comprehending the practical phenomena in everyday life and collecting landscapes of the tribal life in the past. Beginning from the method of hermeneutic historical phenomena, the study delineates the imagery what the aboriginal society pictures the modernized situation to be. The aborigines do not completely submit to the modernization and become the objectified to be changed; they stand with their subjectivity to encounter the differentiation of phenomena from the past and the challenge from the modernization. That is, the aborigines endeavor from their own comprehension to explore the interaction relation what allows the dynamic equilibrium between themselves and the modernized society. The interaction relation changes the tribal life and directly reflects on the practical context. The practical context by the way of positive interaction is the social and cultural practice for surviving in the modernized situation. The practice assists us in opening up a new access to replace traditional one-dimension orientation about acculturation and resistlessly changes.
The study takes a Bunun tribe as the case, however, the question queried here could include the life phenomena in Taiwan as a whole. Hoping by the way of the study, a new hermeneutics about the change under modernized situation would appear.