依類型 族群 主題   
2003.06.01 ~ 2005.06.01
族群: 布農族   
主題: 學術研究  
作者 司俊榮
學校系所 大葉大學資訊管理學系碩士在職專班
地點 南投縣 信義鄉     南投縣 南投市    

中心館藏網址 http://tulips.ntu.edu.tw/record=b2343615*cht

[ 摘要 ]


[ 英文摘要 ]

In this globalized and knowledge-based economy, the government must set strong foundation of information education for the young generation. However, the holistic information popularization is met with problems of information gap between the urban area and aboriginal area, where the information environment is inferior. This study aims to discuss the relationship between the information environment and the information competency of students, to further understand the problem and seek for solutions. Suggestions are provided based on the research findings to help the schools improving their information environment and the information competency of elementary school students in aboriginal area.
This study designed questionnaire and quiz for network administration teacher and senior students of Sinyi Township and Nantou City of Nantou County. The results showed that students’ information competency varies under different cultural backgrounds, and the information equipment is positively correlated with students’ information competency.
Based on the results, this study suggested the government to upgrade the information equipment of aboriginal schools, allocate more funding and assign the position Information Supervisor, train network administration professionals, and enhance teachers’ ability to integrate information technology into teaching, in order to enhance the information competency of aboriginal students.
Key Words: information environment, information competency, information gap, aboriginal area