依類型 族群 主題   
2002.06.01 ~ 2004.06.01
族群: 泰雅族 、賽德克族   
主題: 學術研究、醫療保健  
作者 王佩詩
學校系所 國立陽明大學醫務管理研究所
地點 南投縣 埔里鎮    

中心館藏網址 http://tulips.ntu.edu.tw/record=b2191947*cht

[ 摘要 ]
根據研究結果,建議衛生相關主管單位重新檢討政策,以建立原住民正確的健康觀念為主題;而在醫院的管理面則建議偏遠地區的醫院管理要注重原住民的特質,並可仿效國外社區健康中心(Community Health Center)的模式,以取代IDS的方式,盡量不要只提供巡迴醫療服務,以避免誤導多用醫療少用預防之結果。

[ 英文摘要 ]
As medicine and science keep progressing, it’s not as difficult as before to keep healthy. People begin to pay attention to other events rather than just health, amongst which “quality of life” is a particularly serious issue. This study aims at analyzing the differences of health-related quality of life (HRQL) between aborigines and non-aborigines, and examining the factors affecting their HRQL.
The research tool of this study is WHOQOL-BREF Taiwan version, and this research is a cross–sectional study which conditionally sample residents living in Puli Township of Nantou county. 255 aborigines and 670 non-aborigines were included in this study.
Results indicate that there are differences of HRQL between aborigines and non-aborigines, particularly in the environment domain. Factors affect HRQL including: gender, marriage, family structure, social-economic status (SES), balance between revenue and expenditure, daily sleeping time, daily sporting time, self-perceived health status, self-reported happiness level, and the frequencies in receiving medical treatment last year. The affecting factors responsible for the observed differences in HRQL between aborigines and non-aborigines are “chronic illness” and “sick frequency”. It’s apparent that the impact of suffering chronic illness in aborigines is greater than that in non-aborigines.
Based upon these results, this study suggests that health authority should review their policies to establish aborigines’ correct health conceptions. Additionally, it is also suggested that hospital administrators in remote areas to respect the aboriginal culture, to follow the example of “Community Health Center” to substitute for existing IDS services, and to avoid inducing health service demands.