依類型 族群 主題   
2002.06.01 ~ 2004.06.01
族群: 賽德克族   
主題: 文化慣習、外來宗教  
作者 劉得興
學校系所 輔仁大學宗教學系
地點 全臺 全部  

中心館藏網址 http://tulips.ntu.edu.tw/record=b2169284*cht

[ 摘要 ]

[ 英文摘要 ]
The Catholic Church today strongly promotes ‘inculturation’ as the way of evangelization. Through it, the Church seeks to present the Christian faith free of its Western trappings and to let the Gospel penetrate the local culture directly through dialogue. The goal is to form faith communities that are diverse and at the same time in communion with one another.
This study is mainly about the integration of the Christian faith and the Seedaq culture in the Taiwanese aboriginal village of Meihsi. Does this integration constitute inculturation? In what ways did the Han-centered educational policy of the government … being implemented at the time foreign missionaries were spreading the Gospel at Meihsi … influence the inculturation of the local Church at Meihsi? Is the missionaries’ attempt to identify the Christian notion of God with the local traditional notion of Ancestral Spirit (or Utux)consistent with the catholicity of the faith? What does adoption of the local language and culture in celebrating the liturgy and the sacraments contribute to the inculturation of the Church? Finally, how does one solve the Church’s predicament at Meihsi on this issue of inculturation. These questions outline the key points of discussion in this thesis. In terms of methodology, the researcher employs a variety of approaches … historical, documentary, hermeneutical, field (interviews) … to analyze Church inculturation at Meihsi in the hope of determining its future direction.
The Second Vatican Council hoped that the Church, in the light of the Gospel, would respect and nurture cultural diversity within the unity of the faith, and, in the spirit of charity, engage in frank and honest dialogue. How to realize this vision of the ‘inculturated Church’ in Taiwan where different ethnic groups and cultures co-exist? Aside from local initiatives to achieve integration of faith and culture, inculturation in Taiwan needs even more the support of Church authorities in building local faith communities that reflect their diversity and mutual respect.
Keywords: God, Christianity, Catholic Liturgy, Second Vatican
Council (or Vatican II), inculturation, aborigines(or indigenous people), Seedaq tribe, Utux(or Ancestral Spirit),Gaya(or living norms)