依類型 族群 主題   
2004.06.01 ~ 2006.06.01
國家公園法的施行與區內原住民衝突關係之變化-以玉山國家公園為例(The enforcement of the National Park Law and the changes in its conflict relationship with aborigines—A case study of Yushan National Park)
族群: 布農族   
主題: 法律政治  
作者 宋玫琪(Mei-Chi Sung )
學校系所 國立嘉義大學森林暨自然資源研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]
[ 英文摘要 ]
This study aims at investigating into the changes in relationship between the National Park Law (NPL) and the aborigines since 1984 and touches upon the issues of the utilization of reservation by the Bunun and management of the national parks. The subjects of this study are the Bunun tribes of the Dongpu Neibourhood 1 and Meisun Village in the Yushan National Park. And it is the intention to explore whether or not the psychological perceptions of the Bunun punished by the NPL correspond to the degree of severity of administrative disciplinary action taken for the past 20 years. An open-ended questionnaire was employed to collect the responses of the Bunun concerning lifestyles, economic and cultural activities so as to pinpoint their attitude by using nonparametric statistical Chi-square test. This information has implications for the management of the national parks and relevant administrative disciplinary action.
First of all, the cases violating the NPL each year were garnered and the total cases were 2,030 from 1987 to 2004. There were 10 to 45 cases each year form 1987 to 1990 and from 2000 to 2004 while there were more than 100 cases each year from 1991 to 1999. Secondly, the respective total population of the Bunun in Dongpu Neibourhood 1 and Meisun Village are 392 and 359.
The valid copies of questionnaire amount to 101 in these two areas with the sampling error below 5%. Among the eight items with respect to the implementation of the NPL in the survey, indigenous people perceived that two items have become stricter, four have remained unchanged and two have turned out be looser. The stricter are banning the disposal of waste material and the remove of earth and stone; the unchanged are the limitation on the con/restructure of house, banning hunting, banning the harvest of wild plants and banning the driving on the restricted forest roads; the looser are unauthorized utilization of land and refresh the land using fire.
We found that the changes in psychological perception of the Bunun in two areas are in accord with the results of the open-ended questionnaire. This implies that the degree of severity of a disciplinary action may directly bring about economic and psychological impact to the residents. If there is no relationship between the psychological perception of the aborigines and the empirical survey, it must have other factors except the administrative disciplinary action.