依類型 族群 主題   
2003.06.01 ~ 2005.06.01
原鄉就業政策對原住民女性促進就業影響之評估-花蓮縣卓溪鄉個案研究(A Study Of Aboriginal village employment Policy)
族群: 布農族   
主題: 工作權益、社會關懷  
作者 李珮瑄(Pei Hsuan, Li )
學校系所 國立中正大學勞工所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]




[ 英文摘要 ]

Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan defines the policy problem of

aborigines’ employment as cultural differences and introduce of foreign laborers,

which lead to the difficulty of the aboriginal employment in city. Particularly the

unemployment rate of aboriginal women is more serious than that of the ordinary

women, and aboriginal women have to face the economic pressure to take the burden

of the family. Therefore, the government establishes the policy, “promoting the

aboriginal village employment”; it is divided into two parts, one is to provide the

opportunity of short-term employment; the other is to develop the tourism and

elderly-caring industry. The purpose of the research is to discuss the policy of the

“aboriginal village employment”. What is the influence on the women employment?

What is the women’s expectation and needs for the industrial development in

aboriginal village? The approach of responsive evaluation is adopted to examine if

the policy satisfies aboriginal women’s needs, preference, value and concerned issues.

The citation analysis and the in-depth interview are adopted in the case study at

zhuo-xi township, Hualien to understand how aboriginal women’s response to the

policy of aboriginal village employment, which reveals diverse viewpoints to provide

for the authorities concerned.

According to the research, aboriginal women in zhuo-xi township tent to approve

the government’s good intention of the policy of aboriginal employment, and agree

that the working opportunity of cultural development, tourism and elderly-caring

industry answer to their expectations. However, there are still some disadvantages

that need to be improved in the policy: (1) The government provides the short-term

temporary working opportunity is merely to effect a temporary solution to a problem.

(2) Aboriginal elders and children need the professionals to take care of them. (3)

Developing both culture industry and tourism need to integrate the tribal


consciousness. (4) Cultural industry needs the government’s assistance to expand the

selling market. Therefore, the conclusion of this research is that the policy of

aboriginal village employment is worth implementing. However, the government

still needs to make efforts as follows: (1) Construct a completed frame of aboriginal

employment policy. (2) Reinforce the concepts of the occupational training. (3)

Satisfy the aborigines’ needs in city and aboriginal village. (4) Develop the culture

industry and tourism that is based on the aborigines’ subjectivity. On the whole, the

policy of aboriginal village employment should let the aborigines search for their own

appropriate employment opportunity, and they can ask for the government’s

assistance. Finally, the government should possess the competence of both

communication and integrating resources in order to let the policy satisfy the

aborigines’ employment needs.