依類型 族群 主題   
2003.06.01 ~ 2005.06.01
族群: 太魯閣族   
主題: 文化慣習、一般教育  
作者 黃昭蓉(Huang Chao-Jung )
學校系所 國立花蓮教育大學多元文化研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]




1. 太魯閣族學童的好奇心強但堅持力較低,對挫折的忍耐力也低,但是讚美或鼓勵之後學童的堅持力會更好。

2. 太魯閣族學童聯想力強,但為了不被壓抑需要和諧愉悅的教學氣氛。


1. 太魯閣族學童在使用國語文做溝通時,常出現語句不完整或倒裝的情形,在閱讀與思考國語文書寫成的文句時,則較需要聽覺的回饋,以幫助理解。

2. 太魯閣族學童在學習時,常依賴熟練者的示範,自己再模仿操作。


1. 太魯閣族學童喜歡在團體中透過互助合作的方式學習,並樂於與他人共享。

2. 太魯閣族學童倫理觀念深,會服從長者或意見領袖的決定。

3. 太魯閣族學童敬畏gaya,這使他們依循倫理、遵守規範較不敢違背。

4. 太魯閣族學童與任課老師之間的感情融洽,互動自然且親切。然而有時不同文化背景的老師較易與太魯閣族學童產生文化方面的誤解或隔閡,使學童較易誤解老師的意思。

[ 英文摘要 ]

This purpose of this study was to explore Truku student’s learning styles. It applied ethnography to a Truku elementary school in northern Hualian County. Fourteen students were invited to participate in this study. It took nine months for classroom observation and the observation included the field of literature, mathematics, computing, social studies, native language, natural science and technology, and outdoor activities. In addition this study also interviewed with schoolteachers, students and the principal. This study analyzed students learning styles from emotive, cognitive and social dimensions.

First, learning style in emotive dimension.

(1) Students have strong curiosity but lower sustaining ability and endurance of frustration; moreover, when they have been encouraged, their lower sustaining ability will improve.

(2) Students have good imagination and less restriction when they are in harmonious and delighted atmosphere.

Second, learning style in cognitive dimension.

(1) When students communicate in Chinese, they often appear incompletes or inverted sentences. When they are reading and thinking about mandarin paper work, they need voice assistance to improve comprehension.

(2) During the children studying time, they usually rely on demonstration of proficient, and then they will imitate the procedures by themselves.

Learning style in social dimension.

(1) The students like to learn by helping each other in the team and glad to share with each other.

(2) The Truku students have deeply moral concepts; they obey the decisions of leaders or the senior.

(3) The Truku students respect “gaya”, which let them observe discipline and obey the law, and fear to infringe.

(4) The students have harmonious emotions with classroom teachers; both of them have natural and friendly interactions. However, there are some misunderstandings between teachers and students because of cultural difference.