依類型 族群 主題   
2003.06.01 ~ 2005.06.01
排灣族作家研究──以陳英雄、莫那能、利格拉樂‧阿烏、亞榮隆‧撒可努為對象(Study of Paiwan Writers)
族群: 排灣族   
主題: 文學  
作者 潘泠枏(Pan Ling-nan )
學校系所 暨南國際大學中國語文學系
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]


[ 英文摘要 ]

The definition of aboriginal literature adopted the identity and ancestry standard from 「Taiwanese Aboriginal Literature Anthology」 by Sun Da-chuan. Moreover、according to 「The recognition of identification」 of aborigine is the basis of this thesis、researcher adopted the aboriginal movement a divide. The works of aboriginal movement、researcher classifies the works as 「assimilation and compromise period」 due to the politics and the times. The works go along with aboriginal movement、and researcher classifies those as 「indictment and resistance period」 by the movements of fighting for aboriginal rights and interests and the subjectivity of the different Taiwanese aborigine. With the aboriginal movement goes down、the works of this period transform into multiple divisions of culture reorganizations and history rebuilding that was 「reorganizations and returns period.」 The subjects are the writer of Paiwan of aboriginal literature after the war of Taiwan. Discuss the different writers of Paiwan under the particular times and social environment、those mind trace of literary creation、and the dialectics which corresponds to Taiwanese social issues of aborigine.