依類型 族群 主題   
2003.06.01 ~ 2005.06.01
從阿美族文化探討阿美族學童「時間的測量」概念之研究(The Study of The Concept of Measuring Time Used by Amis Students Based on Amis Culture)
族群: 阿美族   
主題: 一般教育  
作者 陳靜光(joycechen )
學校系所 國立花蓮教育大學科學教育研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]



1. 在還未將阿美族文化中「時間的測量」概念納入課程時,發現學童「時間的測量」原始概念中,已有某些部分和自身的文化背景有關,只是較片段而不完整。

2. 在課程中融入阿美族文化中有關「時間的測量」部分時,較能引起學童的學習興趣,且在認知上也讓自己和原來文化有關的片段想法更趨於完整。

3. 學童對於自身文化中的「時間的測量」概念有更多的了解後,能比較和課程中所提到部份,彼此間的異同,甚至對自身文化引以為傲。

4. 學童在認識自己文化中有關「時間的測量」方面,有濃厚的興趣,甚至想進一步的為自己的文化留下紀錄,創造有自己文化色彩的計時工具。

5. 藉由本研究亦發現學童對於日的時間觀念常忽略了夜晚的時段,而在教材上並未重視此一現象。因此,此次的研究也提供教師在日後教學上的參考。

[ 英文摘要 ]

The purpose is the investigation of the concept of measuring time used by 12 4th Grade Amis students in Nature Primary School in Hualien. Qualitative research methods are applied in the study. From interviews of some Amis grand old men inclusive of the elders, the chieftain, an retired teacher, and a teacher teaching Amis Language in the school, the researcher have a better understanding of measuring time in Amis culture. Students’ alternative conceptions are inducted from the curriculums combining the cultural concept of measuring time and other references.

There are some essential points in the study:

1. Before combining the cultural concept of measuring time into curriculums, students have already the fragments of the cultural concept of measuring time.

2. After combining the cultural concept of measuring time into curriculums, students have more interests and a complete understanding in their cultural time measuring concepts.

3. A complete cultural concept of measuring time helps students make a comparison to the text. Accordingly, they are proud of their own culutre.

4. Students raised more interests in their cultural concept of measuring time. In consequence, they want to develop it to create their own cultural time measuring tools.

5. Through the study, the researcher found that students usually omit the night as defining a complete day. But in the text the cultural parts do not take into concern. Accordingly, the study offers a reference in teaching.